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The Angelic Tales
The Angelic Tales are something I've written, they chronicle the Angels during the Civil War and in the Present Day with two distinct story lines.You don't have to read both story lines to understand the other, but characters do cross over, so if you want their whole stories, do check them out both. Also, the Civil War line doesn't need to be read in order, the Present Day line DOES. Civil War: The Last Battle for Heaven, Lucifer. Present Day: Serafine, The Virtue
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 2 - Followers: 0 - Since: 06-10-07 - Founder: Guenevere Lee
Read to be save, for the darkness will come to you if you don't. Believe in the light and be saved. Let all who read these words be bless by the light. Light Bless!
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 12 - Followers: 0 - Since: 11-20-07 - Founder: Kaleb-of-Sand
Christian Characters
For stories (sci fi, historical, paranormal, whatever!) based on strong Christian characters. Not that they never fail, but at the end of the day, they face their world from a viewpoint of faith. Hopefully a great place to find Christian writing of all sorts.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 3 - Followers: 0 - Since: 07-03-10 - Founder: corrieg