Home Communities Poetry Fantasy Communities
The Best of Fantasy
Welcome to the world of fantasy!
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 216 - Followers: 4 - Since: 12-14-06 - Founder: MidnightStar005
Okay, this is dedicated completely to fairies, elves, and things of that sort. Mail me if you want me to check your poem or someone else's. It might take a while, but well.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 1 - Followers: 2 - Since: 08-10-07 - Founder: Hidden Flowers
Faery in the City poetry
Like my other C2 community, but for Faery poetry.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 1 - Followers: 0 - Since: 07-08-07 - Founder: InkStainedHeart
Mostly Anything FANTASY!
Love to read poems about mythical, fantasy beings and plots? This is the right place. PM staff or lael1bologna. Now accepting stuff..
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 21 - Followers: 0 - Since: 04-15-09 - Founder: lael1bologna
The Dragon's Nest
Poetry about Dragons and Wyverns. I'm a saurian freak, and I welcome fellow Dragon fanatics. ~Zoa the Twilight Wyvern
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 6 - Followers: 0 - Since: 04-05-08 - Founder: Naramyon
The Black Veil Bride's Archive Of Masterful Works
A collection of Fantasy poems for your enjoyment :)
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 5 - Followers: 0 - Since: 08-05-11 - Founder: BlackVeilBride