Reviews for Little Henriette
Ashbear chapter 1 . 9/23/2003
You know what is funny, I read the Circle Hard thing at the bottom, and thought ‘oh that sounds familiar’…then you mentioned I wrote it at the bottom in Castles, and I felt very stupid! I’m old, I have kids, um…and a thousand other excuses! Anyway, very cute rendition of the Little Red Hen. Actually, it fits better with kids nowadays; you have updated a classic well!
ANiLreZ chapter 1 . 5/15/2003
hahaaz! henriette is evil! how can she deprive them like that?
d7-Poet chapter 1 . 3/6/2003
Uber cool! Or something like that. Just what I needed to wake up. My birthday is on monday. Blue is a cool color.
Ricco Ragazza chapter 1 . 2/5/2003
Hey, can I borrow Ogdai for some slave labor? My room really needs cleaned :) Cute story!