Reviews for The Gravedigger's Daughter
REGRETABLE chapter 10 . 3/23/2019
I know you haven't updated in YEARS - but I stumbled upon this story and I have to say - it's one of the best stories on this site. I've been an avid reader of fiction press work for an embarrassingly long while and the qaulity of your writing is simply baffling. I hope you stopped updating because you went into writing professionally. I understand you received quite a bit of backlash in regards to Avery being whiny.

I feel the portrayal of the character, the family, grieving and that tragedy were very raw and realistic. In a number of documented studies, when something like this happens, families tend to fall apart and place blame (not all, but that's typically what happens) - it's even portrayed in a number of movies (the rabbit hole, the other woman, return to zero, etc.)

All of that is to say, it's been an emotional, honest, and endearing read. I like the characters, the plot, your writing itself - I do wish you would continue updating, but it's been a pleasure regardless.
blu sclera chapter 10 . 1/13/2017
Hi Deena
I' m also from India. Ur storyis really unique and that u r doing well...I beleive that u r busy with ur life ...but if u r ever reading. this please. feel encourage d to write. more...
augmentedDREAMS chapter 10 . 12/29/2015
I really don't like Markus. He is over-entitled and needs to mind his own business. And the way he acts towards Avery might as well be harrassment. Actually, it is. I think it's called "soft-harrasment" or something along that. Does he really think that Avery would ever associate with someone from the family of her brother's murderer? Even if for the sake of the story we do assume that she can I still don't like him. Neither did I like Emaleth.

I really like Avery though. She is a very well written character and her grieving is real. She is not being whiny at all and her actions are totally understandable. Her brother died! What should she do, party!?
Guest chapter 10 . 5/21/2014
Where is th rest of the story
Guest chapter 10 . 10/15/2013
Worst ending ever... Please update haha
BleedingInLove chapter 10 . 8/28/2013
Wicked4life chapter 8 . 7/30/2013
#1 : this is one of the most amazing things ive seen on fp.
#2: Shes not that smart is she? Often people who accuse others of being gay are hiding their own homosexual tendancies. Its really odvious what is happening.
I-am-a-Firefly chapter 10 . 3/18/2013
Really? Really? This is such an awesome story and I loved it and YOU JUST END THERE? No updates in EIGHT EFFING YEARS! EIGHT! That's a long, long time. Is it too much to ask for an update? Please? I BEG OF YOU! Sob...
WhisperInTheRain chapter 10 . 9/22/2012
LOVE your story! It has a really good plot and its well-written!

Hope you update soon, can't wait to read more!
TornAngell chapter 10 . 5/24/2011
Hey Deena, it's been quite a while, and I was wondering if you had stopped writing the story. It was really good. :) I like how Avery is actually falling for him, and just not letting herself admit it, lol. If I could find a guy like Markus, ooohhh I'd scoop him up and eat him for dessert! LOL.
Night-Rayne chapter 10 . 3/2/2011
I just wanted to say I love this story so much! Just as much as Hiring a Hooligan and Marrying the Vitch but this one is super different. I hope you update soon!
lil and tiny chapter 10 . 9/27/2010
Ahh I'm about to take exams, but I'm here reading all of your stories, oh no I might have said it before, let me say again, you're an awesome and flexible writer! :D
Preposterous chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
Will you update soon? Pretty please? I love your story so much.
Emma chapter 10 . 6/3/2010
hey, ive read all your stories and i can't wait for you to update! ive seen from your review that it seems like a lot of people just review to tell you all of their complaints, so i wanted to tell you i think youre a really great writer, and your stories make me laugh (not this one obviously, but in marrying the vitch, where sevleen tells her mum she calls lucan cannoli, i cracked up). So uh, keep up the good work, and if you ever need someone to edit for you, you can email me at . Probably all my editing will be in aussie english though XP
Novella Vialli chapter 10 . 5/24/2010
Pls pls update soon!
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