Reviews for Don't Wake Me From The Dream
Gericht chapter 1 . 12/9/2002
Too good, man. A Lot of people feel the same way, and sometimes it takes a while to find out that there are certain individuals who actually care. You've got a load of talent, so don't go dissing yourself now, y'hear?
samdro87 chapter 1 . 10/24/2002
All I can say is: THIS WAS GOOD
Kayley chapter 1 . 10/23/2002
I don't usually review but I just had to That's all I can say. Wow. It's like you're writing about me. Well, not me anymore, but how I used to be. I can relate so much, and, well I know this doesn't mean much, but I've been to this hell and back - and believe me, if I got from where I was a few months ago to where I am now, anyone can. Sorry, don't mean to sound corny, but it's true. Anyway, this is so beautiful, realistic, heart wrenching, and on top of all that beautifully written. The way you can turn your emotions into this beautiful piece of writing is amazing, and a gift. Thank you for sharing it, and please don't ever stop. And like I said before, I know it doesn't mean much coming from someone you've never met before, but I really think that you'll get out of this hell, like I did. Good luck, and I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your writing in the future.
The Shellback chapter 1 . 10/23/2002
Well, that was certainly blatant. You mentioned quite a few good points of how I feel most of the time. The only difference is I, for some reason or another, won't run. I've tried none the less, but the farthest I get is a few lines drawn and a bit of blood. I think the main reason I liked this so much, was because I just recently had a dream of suicide. Only no one came, since no one cared. No need to call the police if it's nobody right? Anyway, great little short you've written, keep writing.
Zero Self Esteem chapter 1 . 10/23/2002
Wow. I'm reviewing my own story. I suck...

About suicide/cutting...I don't have the guts to do it. And I never will. I cringe whenever I get a paper cut. *_* I'm just really depressed...and if I ever say I'm suicidal that doesn't mean I'll do it. It just means...I think of doing it. o0;

Either way I'm getting out of it...thanks for the reviews. _
electraray chapter 1 . 10/23/2002
Hey! snap out of it... dont' even think of cutting. Not like i know exactly what you're going through and all, but well, I've read someone who's really really depressed from , and she cuts herself to 'relieve' herself from the pain.

Now, she's addicted to it. And she's on medicine, which is to me, no diff from being on drugs... sigh. think happy thoughts ok? Talk it out. All the best, man.
Faithfulbeyondfear chapter 1 . 10/23/2002
Hey. I like the story, well, it's just very real to me. I totally understand what ya going through. So am i. *nods* Maybe we can compare notes or something. The answer isn't the knife. Trust me on this one. It isn't. Email me if ya want, ignore the review if ya want. Do whatever. Don't kill yourself. Life is too precious to be wasted. Thats what my friends say. I guess i can sorta understand that but...*shrugs* i donno. Don't kill yourself. The answer is not the knife.

Luff Lani da Redhead