Reviews for The Story
SydneyKate chapter 1 . 1/22/2003
*stares at lists of words* For a second I thought that was all this poem was, but it's not. It's very good. *Wink*
xo0Jayne0ox chapter 1 . 1/7/2003
Didn't like it
star65 chapter 1 . 11/1/2002
accurate for the pessimism point of you. very sad but reluctantly accepting. felt the emotion deeply in this one. at first i didn't like the one word stanza but they seemed almost like a chorus in the end. interesting format. well put together.
Starlight Rain chapter 1 . 10/27/2002
I continue to watch for the day in which those with the power to change the horrors of this world-such as yourself-dawn their transluscent wings, and leave the rest of us behind.

False hopes are sometimes better than reality. Wonderful poem, and very enlightening to the neverending terror which we always seem to believe we can overcome...but never do. Maybe you'll be the one to make it happen? Well, good luck .

Please keep writing! .~

~~Say You'll Remember