Reviews for Anywhere But Here
Lil' Miss Ravenclaw chapter 44 . 2/24/2013
This was amazing. I haven't read something so interesting, so absolutely raw in quite a while, that it feels like a real punch to the face. I'm not sure whether I liked how it ended, but damn, what an experience.

They're all so complicated. So realistic. And I love that. But at the same time, I hate it. It's realistic. Too realistic. Too complicated. I know I'm contradicting myself, but I don't know how else to describe it.

Bravo to you, author. Bravo. You dragged me in, kept me wanting more, and gave me thoughts to think of afterwards. Props to you.
Affair chapter 44 . 4/7/2012
That makes sense, but it could've been a tad bit less twisted :p
Affair chapter 43 . 4/7/2012
I.. Words can't describe what I'm feeling right now. WHY? All that B.S. to find out that she only loves herself? All those people hurt for them to find random people that pop up in the story late?

*GROWL* I suppose the ending is a bit realistic but.. *ROARR*
Affair chapter 41 . 4/7/2012
... I'm not on a team anymore, good gawd they're almost all slutty and messed up, they need to talk and stop sleeping with everyone -.-
Affair chapter 35 . 4/7/2012
Yup, another review. Good gawd this is so messed up, and Loren took psychology and still can't deal with her shit?

Why don't they have a threesome and have it be Loren, Anje, and Trina? Sheesh.
Affair chapter 31 . 4/7/2012
Good gawd why are they so loopy? Why you no keep it simple?
Affair chapter 30 . 4/7/2012
Well.. He half-assedly admitted what he did was wrong, by blaming all three of them and saying he was an asshole, which he is.

I applaud Anje for not shanking him.
Affair chapter 28 . 4/7/2012
To be honest, I cringe a lot when Trina calls Anje Daddy because I call my father daddy.. But you explained that it symbolizes something else...
Affair chapter 25 . 4/7/2012
*Backslash Backslash Backslash* Kay he's all good and dead.
Affair chapter 24 . 4/7/2012
And Anje lands on Algenon, he dies or she just keeps hitting his defenseless body. Done.
Affair chapter 23 . 4/7/2012

Well... That's a fling.

Loren slept with someone she loved, big difference.

(Anje fangirl)

Flings can be forgiven, affairs not so much.
Affair chapter 21 . 4/7/2012
Good gawd Algenon is a petulant child.
Affair chapter 14 . 4/7/2012
New reader, hai!

I could just smack Loren and drag her to therapy, gawd.

Anje is just too sweet for her own good.

Algenon is a selfish douche, too many negative words to list here, he needs therapy more than Loren.

Trina? She has potential to be really great for Anje :)

James. That poor, poor man, he doesn't deserve such infidelity.
leFlash chapter 44 . 8/7/2011
All I can say is wow. I'm really not good at writing reviews but I must say I love this story.

Very real and relatable characters :)

As much as a bitch Loren was, I wasn't able to hate her. I have no idea why, but maybe because I can understand where she is coming from. My favourite character, I would have to say.

Lovely story, lovely characters.

Thank you for writing this story :)
nandinhama chapter 43 . 2/5/2011
That was great!
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