Reviews for Random Rants: A Journal of Mine
charmed4life43 chapter 6 . 2/11/2003
EEEK! I love it! I am insane, I swear, and none of my friends understand or appriciate me! Finally, someone who knows! I am the most random person in the world! YEAA!
Tory chapter 6 . 1/17/2003
Hello! It snowed! No school! A four day weekend!

Yea! Have you seen the movie 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'! You probably haven't! But your first pargraph really reminded me of when the father started telling the girl when she was 15 that she was starting to look old and she should hurry up and get married! And it reminded me of what said in the 1st paragraph, even though i know 'your' dad didn't mean it that way! That's the best movie! Well, it's not really the BEST, but i still recommend it! It was funny! I bet you're wondering why I am ending every sentence with an exclamation point! It's because I'm just so happy! Snow! I'll see you on Tuesday! Goodbye, you evil tree worshiper! And yes, I know french people don't really worship trees! But the ancient Gauls/Druids did! It's just a nickname! Sheesh! You know you actually like it! Bye!
Elvish Fairy chapter 6 . 1/16/2003
Hello! I can't rant! I would love to be able to rant! It would be a great gift to rant. For some reason, I was not born with the ability to rant or to balence eqautions. I HATE CHEMICAL EQUATIONS. They will have no part in my future, but still they are there mocking my inability to fix them. They make me mad! I am also not able to distinguish between a monmial and a binomial and a trinomial. Why do we need nomials? I think all nomials are GAY. You may ask, "How can a number thingy be gay?". I understand how this may confuse you, but if you have ever faced one of these nasty gits, then, and only then, will you understand how I feel. OMG, I think I am ranting! Through this review the ability to rant has flowed into my veins. Well I must go feed my imaginary goldfishies.

Danielle Don't let Girly Hands get you
Tory chapter 5 . 1/6/2003
This is NOT what I meant by writing about yourself. I MEANT that you should write about yourself like you do your friends, NOT what you look like! And you do not look older than 14.
Elvish Fairy chapter 5 . 1/5/2003
Frodo looked fine in ttt! What in the world are u talkin about Sammy? Calming down in, ok, im better! Anyway you forgot to mentioin the Elvish reflexes that wqe both posess(sp hehe) coughcough. Do you know what? I LIKE...mine w/ lettace and tomato hines 57 and french fried potatoes *says Jimmy Buffet Goldmember style*. I AM AN ELF! AND I KNOW HOW TO USE A LIGHTSABER, GOOOO ME! You should write bout ur sleepover! like how we learned that one legolas move that lauren could NOT figure out! well i tihnk im writing a bit too much so... im out like the fat kid in dodgeball! peace (corny aint it?)
Tory chapter 4 . 12/17/2002
To Sammy:

I am not in denial. Recently I've been procrastinating more and more, which actually means that I'm procratinating less and less because I put things off so long now that I end up never doing it, so I'm not procrastinating if I don't do anything.

I am not 'obsessed' with closets, I just like small spaces, which actually now that I think of it is a little wierd because I also like big spaces, which is why I wouldn't put much stuff in your room if it was mine. I like the space.


To all the readers:

Have you noticed how Sammy almost always writes about her friends and rarely about herself? I think she should write about something she does, instead of 'my' decorating skills and making 'me' marry a pineapple in a orange dress and yellow veil.

Have you also noticed, readers, that everything Sammy says about me I write a long review just to disagree with her?


To Sammy Again:

Just to make sure you understand, I am not in denial! (Just kidding, you do know that I'm not serious in these reviews, right?)

:)SMILE:) BYE! Valette! Farewell!

P.S. Dont't you luv pineapples?

P.S.S Your closets ARE really nice ::grins:: just kidding.
Elvish Fairy chapter 4 . 12/15/2002
Hey Sammy! I agree about that advice thing. What do think about some of the quotes on my profile? Well write more soon!
the penguins must be stopped chapter 4 . 12/14/2002
"Climb up your ass and follow the moose to the golden treasure." yup you guessed it, it is truly the meaning of life, ahh if only everyone would follow this advise
Guest chapter 4 . 12/14/2002
Hello. I am responding to your response to the quote "All men, by nature, desire knowledge."

I believe that is a very true statement. Knowledge isn't just found at school, you know. You yourself were asking in one of your writings why people say "It tastes like chicken." You desired knowledge to that question. And I am thrilled with the fact that I have the privilege to attend school. No, I don't make the best grades. Yes, my teachers do drive me crazy. But I am thankful. So many children don't go to school. We Americans are very fortunate people and what do we do? Complain. We complain about our teachers when they are getting paid a fraction of what they're worth just so they can help us. They know that we are the future and they are going to do everything they can to help us. We complain about schoolwork when it has only been assigned to benefit us in the first place. We complain about very aspect of school when it was created to mold us into better people for the future. "You are the future, do you like what you see?"

If you would like to speak to
Elvish Fairy chapter 3 . 12/14/2002
Hey Sammy,

Awesome chapter! Do you know what? I'm hungry. I just ate two waffles and I'm still hungry. They were really good waffles. MMMM...Waffles. Anyway... my new email address is .


yodel a blue streak chapter 3 . 12/11/2002
(It's Tory) I resent chapter! 1) I do not have 'procrastinating habits' for the last time, I would just rather sit and type reviews for my friend's fanfiction stories, than do research on science stuff which I hate! 2)On that review all I meant was that we were so weird that we were normal, I didn't mean that you thought everything in the whole world was strange. 3)It was my pleasure to provide you with a topic, you needed to update anyway.:) 4)The 'Tory is addicted to anything sad' thing kinda freaked me out. True, all of my favorite movies, fanfics, and books are a little bit sad, but they always have a happy ending. 5)And checking if my food to see if it is edible before I eat it is NOT wierd! It's kinda a habit, I don't even realize I'm doing it, and plus, in our cafeteria it's better safe than sorry. 6)Now I'm beginning to feel like we are co writing this and you rant in the actual chapters and I rant in the review... oh well. 7)See you at school. 8)Bye. :) :) :) :)
SilverGoddess chapter 3 . 12/10/2002
Hello... are there one or two 'd's in goddess? I think two but it's my own login name and i don't remember. i think im the first person to write a review for chapter 3... i feel special :) I agree with the cheerleaders not being a sport. They are REALLY there to teach football players how to spell. you aren't insane. everyone thinks i am insane too, well only those who know me well. i rant and rave too, but mostly to my friend and he doesn't really listen to me, but i tell him stuff anyways. I also don't like silence so in awkward pauses i go on in my own lil monologues... er.. which i have been doing so now... sorry. I'll stop now. reading your writing was like reading my journal except yours made more sense. Oh yeah, i was suppose to shut up awhile ago wasn't i? ooh! and that means i get to go to sleep! lol, im not crazy, really im not. Have a goodnight!

~*Silver Goddess*~
RaisdenCaptivity chapter 3 . 12/10/2002
Wow. Cool. Really funny too. You have very interesting oppinions and I like the way you are willing to defend things you feel strongly about. Cool. Are you gonna add another chapter to this? I hope so. PLEASE! Maybe I should make a journal on ? I have a lot of interestingly weird things to say, lol! Well, keep writing, yo!

Kandiangel45 a.k.a. K.C.
Elvish Fairy chapter 2 . 12/3/2002
Hey Sammy this is Danielle (co-author of Fellowship of the Friken Weirdoes). This was interesting. Am I one of the cheerleaders you were talking about?lol. CHEERLEADING IS SO A SPORT! Tech is awesome, UVA SUCKS sorry, hehe. See you in Mrs. G's class.

Danielle aka ElvishFairy
yodel a blue streak chapter 2 . 11/29/2002
hello! it's me again. I woke up at three this morning, and i'm not tired! It's now 7:40 and I've been reading fanfiction for more than 4 hours! it's like a drug. I can't get enough of it. And just in case you're wondering, I do still blame you for my addiction! And I bet you blame me for rubbing off on you in science. I've been getting like a 75 in that class all year ::sighs depressedly:: Anyway, did you know that 'goodly'

is a word? I found that facsinating(sp?)when I was told yday. I gasped in wonderment and was so awed that I was unable to speak! Anyway, enough of that. I have to go to my cousin's baby shower tomorrow. They decided they were going to name the baby Elexandra and call her Ellie. I don't blame you for wanting to find a nice hole and go there with music and a pillow. Do you remember when you where moving into your house and I loved your closets so much? I think that's why. I've always loved secluded corners. Did your grandma really say to talk about problems instead of write about them? What's the fun in that? I don't know. Maybe I'm biased but I never thought people understood as well as a piece of paper did. I have never really liked telling people how I feel, because they start questioning you or telling you that's wrong or arguing. People just won't let you feel how you feel. When you tell paper it just accepts how you feel and doesn't argue. I bet I sound like a lunatic now talking about having conversations with paper.::grins:: Wow, this is a really long review! Oh, well. I guess I shall see u monday(the wait will be unberable!)Don't worry you don't have to sign a restraining order against me,don't miss you that much! I'm just SO BORED! I feel like screaming! Anyway, I hope you'll be having fun tomorrow because I won't! I'll in a room full of adult women while they bestow gifts upon my cousin! O the horror, I get chills merely thinking of it!

O and does ja ne mean bye? I see you write it all the time. Do you know the tune to 'My FAvorite Things' from SOUND OF MUSIC? If so, please think fo it when you read the following: Rotten bananas

and scary pineapples,Cynical sisters and annoying puffy red blisters, Arrogant and self-centered fruit loops with wings, These are a few of my least favorite things!

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night."-Santa Clause

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