Reviews for Random Rants: A Journal of Mine
DieselShay chapter 1 . 11/28/2002
girl you are hysterical...and i dont think its because of your thoughts..i think its because you think almost the same way I do! I sit around and think about stuff like that all the time. Like ok get my town they were trying to keep geese out of a pond so they put up bright orange fencing and signs that said "NO GEESE"..alright GEESE CANT READ! And people think I'm insane, I seemed to be the ONLY one who thought that there was something wrong with this I cant stand cheeleaders...even though I was captain of a squad for 4 I was "the bitchy one who wasnt a ditz" Keep writng though girl, is nice to see someone with thoughts like ours get them out there!

Self-drawn Tattoo chapter 1 . 11/10/2002
If life was what I made of it, it would all be cheese. hmm how was i expecting that one? honestly that didn't surprise me. was it because i was thinking the very same thing? no i don't think ur insane. like me i think u see the world as it is, not as what people think it should be. i look foreward to more from you.
flamingshe-dragon chapter 1 . 11/9/2002
isn't really that humorous but amusing.

i don't really think that those points you ponder truly qualify you as insane, but if you think so...

well, it works for random ranting. interesting about the christmas lights.
Stalin's Inner Child chapter 1 . 11/9/2002
((in Homer Simpson like voice))hmm...marshmellows. *cough* anyways,I agree on most things, although I've never been much of a sports person. If I was ever forced into one I'd pick soccer ((Acually, I'm pretty good when I'm not day dreaming about what we were talking about in History Class))

Yeah, people who over worry about their looks are silly; sadly they seem to make up the majority of the population -_-;; bah. No, I don't need help in French (I'm actually planning on taking Russian and Japanese, although I also want to learn Arabic..gah, choices choices...))

The rant about christmas lights made me smile. Ya, I sometimes feel like bashing my head against a rock and sleeping until chrisitmas too. Then I could wake up and watch all my Anime DVDs, Yippee.

Glad to hear about your shopping expedition. Hmm...I've never been to Virgina. It's prolly nicer the here darn great lakes screw up the weather vey much ja?

In case you were wondering... don't know me I just have a lot of time on my hands and stumbled across your story. And Although you didn't manage to convince me you were crazy (i could sue you for false advertising, muahaha) I did find it amusing so I won't. Well...later comrade -
kobebeefcake chapter 1 . 11/9/2002
lol. funny...but did you know that rants aren't allowed on ? if they didn't realize you uploaded're so lucky!
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