Reviews for Loneliness
xPencilsCamerasx chapter 1 . 6/3/2016
That's... lovely. The poem, and the way you put it. The subject matter is not lovely, but I really liked this poem. And it makes you think.
Narcisus Inez Xilian chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
That was beautiful and you really captured what it's like to be invisible.
Ibbit chapter 1 . 11/15/2009
I like the theme of it all but somehow it didnt seem as deep as it could have. It was good even though.

Luck writing.

dreamer chapter 1 . 7/12/2007
you should be friends with that guy. i think everyone deserves at least one makes my day when at least one person says hi to me.
total vintage chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
Wow, I love this poem because I know exactly how it feels to be that guy. I liked the way you described was very well done. :)
Alenor chapter 1 . 7/7/2006
that's a great poem, sad but great. i used to know what it felt like to be the one that people only noticed when they had something bad to say and really it's not nice, i'm glad you wrote a poem with insight into that situation ~ Alenor.
hello-deerie02 chapter 1 . 2/19/2006
wow... that was great. I know you wrote this story in 02, and now it is 06: guess i've been living under a rock somewhere(hmm...curious that i dont know if ive been living under a rock or not). I can totally connect with the person in this story; I had to set the story to music and then i started crying. i wish i didnt know how this boy felt, but i do. I know people who are like him too, and it hurts. I just wanted to say thanks for noticing; now i will stop sounding so depressed and pensive. Once again its great to know you notice!
Lucy-the-bookworm chapter 1 . 6/17/2005
I liked it! I didn't see it at depression, but as a kid trapped and waiting for some to say hey notice me. It reminds me of a country song by I think Tim McGraw. about the freckle faced little boy that everyone ignores and wishes he was noticed. all in all this was very understanding to that person.
miss-ellen chapter 1 . 5/6/2005
my mate told me about this story & sent me the link while we were on msn, this is really sad... i feel sorry for that guy. i guess noone actually realises how they make people feel until someone like you does the whole 'their perspective' thing. *wipes tear away* this is really good
Fish chapter 1 . 5/6/2005
this is really well written and enjoyable to read. The only thing is that i thought 'The Guy With The Red Folder' would have made a better name, but that's just my opinion. Keep up the good work.
Starshone chapter 1 . 5/6/2005
Love the subject - there's a real message in it, I think. I also really like how the rhyming scheme, while conventional, isn't handled in a trite elementary-school-ish way. Good stuff. :)
Disoriented Waste chapter 1 . 3/13/2005
.. you know I've noticed 'that' person before and there's always more than meets the eye.. Bt the fact you noticed is I mean.. It means something right? Most people wouldn't trust a second glance... I suggest talking to him.

Don't ask me why
Sparkl3star chapter 1 . 3/3/2005
Wow... Thats like... wrenching.. I'm gunna learn everyone's names now.
EternalDamnation chapter 1 . 1/27/2005
Wow. I like it. Hm...never really thought of this before. Maybe I should search for my school's "nobody". This is really good. Very nice.

Haha, I make it sound as if you're writing something about bunnies. Oops.

Nice rhymes too, but I suggest you make it less subtle (or is it more...I forgot which one), unless, of course, you wanted it to be obvious. Eh, whatever, I'm done blabbering.
Deeply-N-Love chapter 1 . 1/9/2005
Loneliness can hurt, loneliness gives you pain, loneliness can drive yourself into madness, loneliness can kill. Your work is true. Not a fiction, not a nightmare... it's about a cruel reality. Keep on writting, you're very talentfull. And, I wish someone will give a little smile to that boy before it's too late - before he'll be drowned by this painfull solitude...

W!nny -x-
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