Reviews for POTUS
fr15ky k47 chapter 1 . 4/6/2003
hey, which american president are you making fun of? If its Bush, you stink. If its clinton, you rock.
Jacquleine Schaeffer chapter 7 . 3/2/2003
Very good! I loved GW's little speech agaist the letter U, that communist letter, and the comment about anything in America being communist. Also liked the author's must be very busy blessing America, I'd say. I wonder what all the other gods are doing while that god is busy blessing america (probably at the bar or something).

Jacquleine Schaeffer chapter 6 . 3/2/2003
Wow. That was hilarious. I am cracking up, especially about England nuking the US for abuse of the "u". The best part was when the COS winked at the camera at the end though. Very amusing.

Jacquleine Schaeffer chapter 5 . 3/2/2003
Best ending in this one. Me? Miss subtle undertones? Sure. Very good. I actually lirke the thought of being the anti-american scum of the earth. Beats being George.

Jacquleine Schaeffer chapter 4 . 3/2/2003
Hahahaha. Very funny. I like the whole sweater thing and, of course, the tennis ball. Very amusing.

Give it a Swirl chapter 7 . 3/2/2003
That was hilarious!

"COS: I’ll spell it out. The people who read this are anti-American scum of the world." One thing wrong with that. We love it when people make fun of our president. Saturday Night Live is full of president remarks. And the basis of any good joke includes the president which is why I loved this.
Jacquleine Schaeffer chapter 2 . 3/2/2003
Ahahaha! This is hilarious! I love it! Especially the part where GW has to give up the tennis ball. That's probably what it's like for George. He IS a sucky president. (I should know I live in the US. And it's sucky.) Excellent job. Going to read more.

Silver Storm Dragon chapter 7 . 3/2/2003
Bloody hell, it's just like being in the White House.

Wild guess-British writer?

*does her George Bush laugh from 2DTV* Professor Liebstrom!

Alya1989262 chapter 6 . 2/25/2003
That's extremely funny! Wainting to see more. By the way, can I make it a chain mail? I need it! I'm egyptain and very concerned about anti-american campaigns.

Gwenllian chapter 6 . 2/20/2003

A smoking crater by this point in time. A pity COS didn't think to mention we'd lifted their entire nuclear arsenal.

Oh well. Shall we celebrate, then?

I mention ARSENAL? ARGH!

They ought to be nuked as well.
KEEO chapter 1 . 2/20/2003
America's president sure is a lot more senseless than that, your description is the understatement of the century. Though it is hysterically funny of course, so it belongs in my favorite stories list now. Bye.
Flipsider chapter 5 . 2/16/2003
Not all readers are anti-american. I not. Im just anti-George Bush. hee hee. Hes not as bad as Al Gore though. Anyway this story like all the others is nonsence. nonsencefunny. myep
BBChamp chapter 1 . 2/6/2003
I love your sense of humor! It just sounds like that would really happen!
Guenevere Morgan chapter 6 . 2/1/2003
Finally, someone shows us all how stupid the POTUS really is. loved it.
dorks with forks chapter 1 . 2/1/2003
I can't remember if i've already reviewed but if i havent i should have! i love this story, the POTUS is really as stupid as you make him out to be, and i love anything that takes the piss out of America. also, i'm british so i'm totally with you on the language thing (favorite? come on!) so cheers, and keep writing!

Dork with a Fork

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