Reviews for The Dragon Stone
Sonyashinto chapter 20 . 2/3/2007
Hey there, this is a great story, though i feel as though there might have been 1 more chapter left. but thats just me. Well i just wanted to send a review stating how much i enjoyed reading this, and are looking forward to many more. Good Luck.

Ja-Ne _
DragonLady of Avalon chapter 2 . 11/16/2004
You lack a bit in detail between dialougs so its hard to tell who's speaking when, though.
Rosaline chapter 2 . 10/2/2003
OMG! ROTFLMAO. This is great! I'm onlky on chapter two and hooked. Too bad I need sleep, so I'll have to read the rest later. Great job so far.
BarairoElf chapter 20 . 9/14/2003
oh gee. Simply charming. Really. I loved it. A bit predictable, but still beautiful none the less. Oh, this is Lauren by the way. Ah my stories pale in comparison to yours. Bravo. I just got my account here and I am now inspired to add stories up and write, thank ya. See you in Nem's class, yes?

Veggiehead chapter 20 . 8/22/2003
Another very good story. One thing I've noticed in your stories though is that you tend to really quickly resolve them at the end. It seems like it might be a little more affective (if that is a good word) if you add a little more detail to your ends and how the conflicts are resolved...
Kisara Higashi chapter 20 . 3/30/2003
That was so wonderful! _! Is it over now, or will you write a sequel? I'll definitely read it if you do!
Tesla's Hand chapter 20 . 3/30/2003
Very good story, although it would have been interesting if both Larken and Gyrin were turned in to dragons, but that might be what you might have been thinking about doing for an A E of this story.
Frayed-Wires chapter 20 . 3/27/2003
Ah, love. *Smiles* WE all knew it was coming.
nightdragon0 chapter 20 . 3/26/2003
I was thinking that might happen. Still as good as ever through!
DigiDayDreamer chapter 20 . 3/26/2003
A touching story, Concetta. Is this the last chapter? If it is, can you make a sequel about where one of Gyrin and Larkin's children or only child turns into a dragon and have adventures like the ones Gyrin and Larkin had? Can you name it something like 'Once a Human'? Hope you read this, okay? _

PS: Please read and review my story, The Unwavering Desire if you have the time. Thanks in advance!

Spell ya later!
nightdragon0 chapter 19 . 3/20/2003
That's one cliffhanger ending. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Frayed-Wires chapter 19 . 3/19/2003
Leave it at a cliff hanger why don't ya. I hope you don't have any more homework because I really do hate waiting. Update soon... please
Kisara Higashi chapter 19 . 3/19/2003
It's great! *_* Update soon, please!
allina chapter 1 . 3/15/2003
please update
Kisara Higashi chapter 4 . 3/13/2003
I love your story. Please RR my fic "Essence" if you have time. Thanks! _
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