Reviews for Wallflower
SlateGrey chapter 5 . 11/23/2004
Oh, it is very very necessary that you continue this at some point. Funny, interesting, a fascinating world... and yes, the sexual hijinks are probably going to be fun too. *grins*
The-Shadow-Kitsune chapter 5 . 2/16/2004
good story, it has a nice plot. but could you please give a little more back ground? as in...what year is it, why everyone know the prince ,why his father is in exile, etc. - great story though. keep up the good work, and please update asap.
-Dark Nekochan aka Darkness-chan
Specularia chapter 5 . 10/2/2003
You are a very good to see more.
Specularia chapter 1 . 10/2/2003
Very intersting beging.I got to read the rest.
OceanChild chapter 5 . 6/22/2003
I haven't forgotten this story! Just checking back on it- you haven't updated? How sad. But anyways. I still think its great great great and hope you do update soom. See you at rlt- shea
Elrond-is-cool chapter 5 . 2/21/2003
wowowowowowowowowowowowowow! Write more as soon as you can, please! This story rocks!
Chibi Ryuichi chapter 5 . 2/17/2003
I am throughly enjoying this. You have done a wonderful job. I hope you hurry and update soon!
Caleyndar chapter 5 . 1/12/2003
Nolme is such a uke. o_o Hmmm... This chapter felt more like a filler than anything else. Even though I'm sure everything had its significance. Unfortunately, all the names and positions are confusing me already. x_X Still, looking forward to the next chapter. _
Yaoi-Luvr chapter 5 . 1/12/2003
*applauds* Great story! Wonderful character designs! _ I hope you update soon, I'm dying to know what happens next!

-Long Live Yaoi (Live Longer FanGirls!)-

Tammaiya chapter 5 . 1/7/2003
I really like Nolme and Sami... Also, despite myself, I love Jiro as well whilst simultaneously disliking him. *blinks* Ah well, I've never been a very logical kinda girl. Toishke is a bit of a jerk, and I was pleasantly surprised about his being only 18. Is he going to end up with anyone?

Mayotan chapter 5 . 1/4/2003
AAAAA, the king is sooo young ! Why does he want them back? /

That Jiro is really cute _ Poor Nolme
TragycBeauty chapter 5 . 1/3/2003
Very good. I love how stubborn Jiro is when it comes to Nolmë. I'm becoming hooked on original anime fiction, thanks to your works as well as Caleyndar's. Keep it up!
Aki1 chapter 5 . 1/3/2003
Wonderful, as always. Flawless mechanics and intricate, exquisite detail presentation...this fic id turning out very well. Continue. o

Aki1 chapter 4 . 12/30/2002
Well this story is sure going along nicely (though I'm not that much into yaoi it seems very good nonetheless) o You have an interesting cast of characters and I'd love to see how this develops. Update soon!


P.S. Thanks by the way for reviewing my fic. o
Caleyndar chapter 4 . 12/22/2002
This chapter was fun to read. Jiro is overly full and sure of himself. You just want to kick him in the shins. x_X

Hmm... When do we actually get to something that would explain the title of your series? o_O
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