Reviews for The Book of Memories
Avide chapter 7 . 5/7/2006
Our main character was struck!


On a better note, I've enjoyed the way these poems are written. Your talent shines as much as the excellent descriptions you give.
crispybea chapter 1 . 10/13/2005
awsome poem. I love the last stanza and the line "Topaz tears" i haven't heard it before -most people just say : "silver tears". Phoenix*PrincessOfNothing and Crispybea
lost-pfreak23 chapter 10 . 8/30/2004
i think i didnt realize that there were more chappies... oops! it was sweet... i liked it!
lost-pfreak23 chapter 1 . 8/27/2004
i wish i could rhyme like that! i love it! keep writing!
Carolina.Scribe chapter 10 . 5/12/2004
*sniff* I think I spoke too soon. I don't like it when dark romances end badly...and this is just sad. To think that you killed all three of your characters in the space of three chapters. You have to get props there. _
I wish I had read and reviewed this sooner, its pretty cool.
Carolina.Scribe chapter 8 . 5/12/2004
Whoa, a murdur...gotta love that. He struck her! How dare he strike her! I'm so glad that the main character is going to go back to her former love and his gold eyes. *sigh*
I love a good dark romance.
Carolina.Scribe chapter 5 . 5/12/2004
Oh, the last line is so...what's the word...*thinks really hard* so profound or something. The way you write poetry is very intense, you send images with a bare minimum of words. The images themselves have a profound quality, a quality that once you read it it stays with you almost like a memory of your own (especialy with this collection).
Carolina.Scribe chapter 1 . 5/12/2004
I love this poem right here! The rhyme scheme (yes I'm obsessed with rhyme scheme though I hardly ever rhyme my own poetry) and the images you paint are beautiful and catching. Great job!
Katterree Fengari chapter 10 . 10/17/2003
told you it wasn't going to end well...

So, the blue and red lights, in the last chappie, were the police? Figured out he was dead quickly, didn't they?

Lovely poem
Katterree Fengari chapter 8 . 10/17/2003
OO...nice...tho I dunno if that 2nd to last stanza was in context...

Btw, lovely imagery throughout
Katterree Fengari chapter 7 . 10/17/2003
this girl's just all about revenge, ne?

sometimes it's nice to have a good protagonist,...but whatever _
Katterree Fengari chapter 5 . 10/17/2003
this won't end well...So the dude with eyes of fire, or gold, is the guy she once loved, but then married another to spite...right, got it...I notice how the man she married has yet to be described yet...O wait, the guy she married has the grey eyes, and we don't know her eye...wait...darnit, nvm, I'll figure it out
Katterree Fengari chapter 4 . 10/17/2003
Ow...there could not be a worse reason to marry...So I'll guess the girl's got grey eyes?
Katterree Fengari chapter 3 . 10/17/2003
wait...hmm...repition on the "you blink-" gonna mean somethin...O, wait, u're just meaning that means a skip to the next memory...right
Katterree Fengari chapter 1 . 10/17/2003
O..that is an awsome intro...I love the imagery...lovely
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