Reviews for Samantha |
i'm the girl you can't shut up chapter 1 . 6/3/2003 i dont have time to read the rest b/c it's 2 in the morning but i likes a lot! ~*daydreaming beauty*~ |
Sheeba chapter 4 . 6/2/2003 I think this is AWESOME! I love the suspence! It's killing me. I want to know what happens next! Keep it up and give us more SOON! :) |
Raven O'Connor chapter 4 . 6/2/2003 Hey, this is good! I don't see any reason why you should drop it. And that was a mean cliffhanger! You've got to continue. |
fuzzinuzzi421 chapter 2 . 5/3/2003 I can't believe that you haven't updated since January! WRITE MORE! NOW! BWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH! |
fuzzinuzzi421 chapter 1 . 5/3/2003 Wow, I really likethis story, and at first I didn't like how fast paced it was and how there weren't alot of words describing the setting, but now I realizethat they work really well with the stor so good job! |
Huskal chapter 2 . 4/13/2003 Hiya! - Cool story! I was going to email you, thanking you for your review which has restored my faith in that one. Out of the seven I have to finish, I thought that one could probably wait for a while. I only get good ideas for that one once a blue moon. But I just couldn't resist reading this! - it rocks! Samantha reminds me of HIkaru Shidou off Magic Knight Rayearth. Short, energetic, doesn't give up and high-pitched. - Ha! You put a cliff-hanger there too! Why does... wow, haven't got a name yet! How mysterious... Why is he kidnapping her? Is it for a secret company or something? How else would he have gotten that car? Is he just kidnapping A person or is he specifically kidnapping Samantha? - I'll just go and TRY to start the next chapter of ~~SWIFT SWORD~~! - Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your review! Happy Easter Mystified! _~ |
Never Knows Best chapter 2 . 3/25/2003 Wow, i love this! ! please update soon! |
DramaQueen77 chapter 2 . 3/23/2003 I thought this was a great story! I can't wait to see what happens next! |
Legolas-lover chapter 2 . 2/17/2003 Great story! |
cOOkiMoNsteR626 chapter 1 . 1/16/2003 hey! this is a really good story! but that part with her apartment blowing up was all too sudden, i think...but the story is just awesome. plz update soon! i want to noe wat he's realli up to with Samantha. |
LadyCaramel chapter 1 . 1/5/2003 Your story is really good. It's really interesting. I like Samantha's character, she was really determined to get away. So can you update soon because I would really like to know what's going to happeb like why they kidnapped her and didn't kill her. |
Ista of the Dreamers chapter 1 . 12/27/2002 Wow! First of all: good story. I'll go through it piece by piece if you'd like. :) It definitely left me MYSTIFIED at the end. This is a very rough story-lots of action-lots of falling and pushing and kicking and screaming, but you wrote the action very well. You have a way with writing the words to make them play out in your mind, just like a movie. That is how your story played out in my thoughts. We know one very clear thing about Samantha and that is that she is DETERMINED. She is strong. I like that in your character. Just when you think she is going to give up, she surprises you again by showing more strength and determination to run away, kick the bad guy, whatever. It seems that Jack was killed off (or wounded) pretty early in this story-so he's a bad guy? I'd love to know the name of the man who has captured her now. I was hoping to learn more about what happened to her apartment and just why she has been kidnapped. It obviously has something to do with her or she wouldn't have been abducted. The only thing we know about the guy who's nabbed her is that he sure likes his car, which is cool, but he seems to be a bit of a jerk-treating Samantha in that way. Then again, he could just be realllly tired or pissed off...either way... :) Excellent realistic and interesting story! Great writing! I eagerly await more in your story to know the secret behind Samantha! :) |