Reviews for Samantha
SunlitSky chapter 38 . 7/17/2009
What? They can't leave Brian; he's such a sweetie! I'm sure Sam wouldn't let that happen though. This story is so intense! I love that it is an action/romance. I feel those are severely lacking on fiction press. I've always loved the crazy CIA like actiony stories. And James just makes this story so much better hehe. I have to say I kind of like Zack despite his arrogant deceitful ways. I think deep down he cares for his brother. Anyway, in each authors note you almost always mention how your writing style has changed and you hope it won't bother your readers too much but in all honesty I haven't noticed it at all. Probably because I'm so into the story, but still. You certainly have a lot of talent and potential- I could see this on the shelf of Borders one day. It kind of reminds me of the Alex Rider stories except with slightly less action and more romance. I know you may not be too interested with this story but your readers certainly are! Please keep writing!
nopenadaziltch chapter 38 . 6/29/2009
HEY! I love this can you please hurry up with the next chapter. I am dying to see what happens next. Thanks D
SpotWillRuleTheWorld chapter 38 . 6/24/2009
this better not be the end. Update! PLEASE!
Ayla Gray chapter 38 . 6/22/2009
holy hell! this was so good. James is a bit of a prick but he's chill, Sams a b.a. girl, zack sucks thats pretty much i have to say pce
Amethystars chapter 38 . 6/14/2009
Alright... so I know you haven't updated in a long time... but it would be awesome if you kept the story going... for all us poor readers stuck with this cliffhanger. Apart from the whole it's-not-finished part, I love the story. A lot of fun, but real enough to make up for the cliched bits. Please consider writing more.
Amethystars chapter 11 . 6/13/2009
I am absolutely in love with this story! It's amazing, and I'm only stopping at ch10 cause it's midnight. I'm so caught up in reading it. I love how you give us enough info so it's not maddening, but there's still always more to discover. I also like how real the characters feel and act.
Max and Rose chapter 38 . 5/31/2009
I love your story! Its so awesome. Its been a year since you updated though! Darn. Looks like, until further notice, I'll have to leave the rest up to my imagination...

xsweetxtartx chapter 38 . 5/21/2009
so suspenseful...wen r u gonna update?
RayaSlayer chapter 38 . 5/20/2009
oh god oh god. No, i liked Brian :(

Please update soon! I really want to know what happens next.

Haha...i love your plot and all, it's very addicting. i couldn't even concentrate on my hw because i kept wanting to read.
KMx0x chapter 38 . 5/17/2009


It's been like...

A little less than a year?
Abogerreboo chapter 38 . 5/16/2009
NO! Why? Why would you do this to me? I will probably go CRAZY! I want more more more MORE! Please please please finish it off! You don't even need any more pages than one! You only need one page even! Please! I LOVE your story! I also love Zack! I hope he really isn't that heartless! XD x
Abogerreboo chapter 37 . 5/16/2009
I am seriously scared to go on to the next chapter because you haven't finished it! :( But I really really DO LOVE this story! I LOVE YOU! And even more if you update! hehehehehehehe x
Abogerreboo chapter 36 . 5/16/2009
Oh no! Don't do it Zack! Still LOVE him though! Bouhaha!XD
Abogerreboo chapter 35 . 5/16/2009
Haha, this is so GOOD! I absolutely love Zack! He is so Reno type! Final Fantasy? hehe xx Although I've never actually played the game.. one of my best freinds does!Anyway, whatver! You probs don't care! XD x
Abogerreboo chapter 34 . 5/16/2009
Haha, I really do like Zack! He's so ya-kno cute XD x
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