Reviews for Samantha
So.Who.Will.Call.Me.Beautiful chapter 20 . 4/2/2009
God that woman's good...
So.Who.Will.Call.Me.Beautiful chapter 11 . 3/31/2009
Aw... thats so cute! I always liked him!
BittersweetHearts08 chapter 38 . 3/22/2009
Great job! love the story but now I'm going to give you my opinion on this story. I know you said you are in the re-editing process which is cool just a few pointers:

1. In the beginning of the story don't skip so much time. I think there was a moment where you skipped a period of about a month. You should have atleast done a couple of the first days. Layed out a plan about what would happen if the bad guys came, etc.

2. This story is really good! The plot is exceptional, but i think it could be even better if you did draw out her recover time. I think that was the part that got kinda slow.

3. Your characters are good and they have a good core essence, but you need to develope your characters a little more. There are also things that you could explain early on that would make things a little better.

4. Give a little more background on James. I wanted to know more. I understand about leaving the part about his brother out of the way but, I don't know, I was hoping for a little more.

5. You are a great writer. So I would definitely think about rewriting this. You could make it 10 times better. I know you say you are burned out, but to be honets, I think I could see this in a movie. Your plot is exceptional.

Please answer me one question: WHat the heck does IDK stand for? that has been bugging me the entire time :)
AJ southern chapter 38 . 3/15/2009
This is an awesome story. I understand not wanting to finish, but thanks for posting what you have! Well done.
Beena chapter 38 . 3/13/2009
n...N...NO! Update! Please!
MaskedNightingale chapter 5 . 3/3/2009
Finally answers.
MaskedNightingale chapter 2 . 3/3/2009
Why in the world does he want her?

I'm really curious.
What Ever You Want chapter 38 . 2/20/2009
omg you can't just stop there that isn't fair! this is the only thing that i have been reading cause i can' find any desiccant books or fiction stories hurry!
music-is-love10 chapter 38 . 2/4/2009
please update son!

ir fic is rlly good and i rlly wanna know what happens next
jules chapter 35 . 2/4/2009
ok so i know that zack is the bad guy here but i cant help but love him. hes soo damn funny
completelylouca chapter 38 . 1/18/2009
Write more please! Quickly!
Devilish Kisses chapter 2 . 12/26/2008
Who is this guy? I guess I'll find out as I read on. Anyways, lovely start and I can't wait to see what happens!
heavengurl899 chapter 38 . 12/16/2008
wow, great chapterish...haha I really like it so far. I think you're right about your writing maturing (in the first chapter) which I think is great! It's nice to see that you are actually using this as a chance to improve your writing. The only sad part is that you're losing interest in this story. It's a great story you know and hopefully something will come to you soon. I can't wait to check out your other stories :) well you're on my alerts list so I'm waiting!
heavengurl899 chapter 29 . 12/15/2008
I think you should do whatever you want and finish the story the way it needs to be finished. Whether that'll take 2 chapters or 20 you do what you need too :)
l'heautontimoroumenos chapter 38 . 12/11/2008
You're a nice person, aren't you? Of course you are.

Therefore, you shall update (soon).

Updating would make some weird french girl living in Bangkok (aka me) happy, and that's a once in a lifetime opportunity, so think about it, will you?
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