Reviews for Samantha
suicide-girl chapter 38 . 5/27/2008
hurry up with your homework please. this story is awesome.
LucyDoll chapter 38 . 5/23/2008
I adore this story, therefore I adore you :) Seriously. I do. The only problem I have is the time kept changing stuff. But I still love it.
Lolcano chapter 38 . 5/18/2008
Aw damn. My suspense level has risen, and now i feel frickin hysterical...

I blame the sugar. Update soon!
Kairos K chapter 1 . 5/14/2008
This story is fantastic. Amazing and wonderful. It just needs an ending.
RunFree chapter 38 . 5/13/2008
werdddmill chapter 38 . 5/1/2008
ah. i just finished reading it. got to the authors note and almost cried. please tell me your going to finish it :)
junebird28 chapter 38 . 4/12/2008
i love this story! please update sooner than soon!
SecretWhispers chapter 38 . 4/8/2008
Holy cow. This story is amazing. I must say my favorite is Zack. He's just way too awesome. I hope you update soon!
greeneyez222 chapter 38 . 4/8/2008
ok so i totally got an email about ch 39 and now its gone! what happened?
Olivia C chapter 2 . 4/7/2008
Just started reading this story...great so far.
Jesus Loves chapter 38 . 4/7/2008
This is a really good story update soon
MZ PEACHESZZ chapter 1 . 4/7/2008
hm very disaparate, choppy and drawn for the last 10 or so chapters but that's to be expected when you've lost interest, huh? I suggest some day, when you can bear to look at it( because it is good, despite what your writer instincts might be yelling- the premise, the plot, a lot of the writing is quite salavagable and very interesting), you re-do the poorly written chapters and rehash the end of it and condense it down because you're drawing it out, going in circles, yada, yada. But I love the story. Keep up with it and I hope to see them together, happy, a few cuts and bruises but together in the end. Muah. Love it.
unus amor chapter 37 . 4/6/2008
I have a question about the end of this chapter.

Did Zack really have the intention of killing James?

Zack is such a hard character to read! Every time I think he's being a decent guy, he turns out to be a jerk. But then later he contradicts himself and is actually okay.

So then you have me, the person who's getting confused at who Zack really is.
unus amor chapter 38 . 4/6/2008
I finished reading your story today.

Wow, it's really good! And well thought out.

Anyways, I hit your author's note and I read it and I was like, "Heck no, I didn't spend my time reading a story that's never going to be finished."

And then I saw those dots going down and down and down, and I was like, what's the point of those ... unless it was for April Fool's!

And what do you know, I was right.

Can't wait until next update!
cherrypiesizzle chapter 38 . 4/6/2008
Wow, that really scared me! But, then I saw how long this author's note was, and I knew there had to be some kind of catch x)

And, yeah, you weren't the only one pranked. It's been a while since the last April Fools happened at school
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