Reviews for The Proficy
Gldnsungrl chapter 1 . 1/19/2003
Wow Wow Wow Write More.
TheOnlyEvilOne i was to lazy to log in chapter 1 . 1/18/2003
Well you should read it and review the story not the title! *hmph!*
Kirbythewondercat chapter 1 . 1/14/2003
hey. your story's pretty cool. :) i'm giving you some reviews so you'll post more
SamoraSomara chapter 1 . 1/1/2003
Well, it's pretty good so far. How do you pronounce "Webishito" anyways? I doubt you will get 15 reviews ever because it has been my experience that the ignorant people around the earth today have no respect for true works of genius. Believe me, I put up a story that is the first part of a novel that I hope to publish someday, and it's really good and I worked hard on it and it has 0 reviews! That stinks, doesn't it? It seems that most people on only come here for the fanfiction. Personally, I think this is one of the best stories I've ever read, including actually published books. Keep up the good work and post more of the story before you get 15 reviews because the more chapters a good story has, the more reviews it gets! Please write more before I explode! *boom* Too late. Oh well. Still write more. And put up more good stories, too! Not just this one, but others too. As I see it, you've got the makings of a great author in you, and I think that if you keep improving your skill, you might just become one of the gretest authors in the hisory of the planet. So keep at it and never give up, because even though things may seem bad, your writing skills can only get better!
Ghxstwiththemost chapter 1 . 12/28/2002
i didn't read the story, but i wanted to tell you that you spelled prophecy wrong