Reviews for Wiccan Like Me
evil-kenshin chapter 13 . 7/30/2005
great way of doing this, i definatly fit in second chapter (lazy)
Luthiena o Lorien chapter 12 . 7/28/2005
Ha, I love this:

3. Like I said, Wicca isn't for everyone.

This is true on many levels. Take Bubba for example. Bubba loves his gun. He also loves shooting things with his gun for no reason. Bubba likes throwing trash out the window of his pickup truck and watching it as it goes splat. Bubba wonders why he can't be taken seriously about wanting to be a Wiccan as he dumps his used oil into a nearby river. Sorry, Bubba, but maybe you should think about looking at yourself before looking to us unless you want help changing. (By the way, I can make these jokes because I live in South Carolina _)
Luthiena o Lorien chapter 6 . 7/28/2005
Thank you so much for standing up for the Christians a bit in here. I have always beein interested in the Wiccan religion, though I will remain a Christian always. I would love to know more, so if anyone desires to, just email me.
ArchyAngel chapter 13 . 4/17/2005
I love it! You should have that published- its creative, funny, witty, and helpful! Good Job! *smiles and nods to you*
goodnight moonshine chapter 13 . 4/18/2004
This is great. Great information and good-humours. I like I like. I hope you will continue writing about this!
CSU Torrent chapter 13 . 9/2/2003

you crack me up... i absolutely love what you're doing here. i actually just sat down and read all 13 chapters! keep it up, hon. you've got a good head on your shoulders.

love and light

ps see ya in class tomorrow
asdgfoihfgklsdfgh chapter 13 . 8/28/2003
hey! great idea for a whole story-type things! i love it!

can i request an idea for another chapter? how about the tight-money wiccans? i have friends (and myself at times) who dont always have money, and we might not get it very often. so what do we do?

hope you could write the chapter, if not, thats ok. just an idea. thanks

Lephi chapter 13 . 7/5/2003
That was me! I suggested the shop thing. And I guess you're right, fancy shmancy tools aren't needed. It would help though. Thanks for considering. New chapters were great! Keep up the good work.
Ixion Goddess chapter 13 . 7/2/2003
hey this is such a good peice of work _ Im so happy you wrote this! Yes Ixchel has a secret...*looks around suspisously* a witch in training. hahaha. I just love "Wiccan like me" so much, that It must go on my favorite stories list. Really. It must. I found it so helpful! You freaking rock Lil Squirt! Im going to email you, I have some things I need to say that would look stupid in the review box anyhow. _ hehe..

thanks so much!

karmakaze chapter 13 . 7/1/2003
I know how you feel about the "You can't be Wiccan thing." Good chapter! My idea is for the Traditionless Wiccans. Yeah, bad reviews can hurt, but when it comes to religion, you have to realize that sometimes they're just not secure enough in their own belief to accept that you have a different one. That's not always true, but it can be. So, sometimes it has nothing to do with how good your story is, it just has to do with their feelings.
Battlefield Angel chapter 12 . 6/27/2003
This is a great "how to" guide. Full of humor and realistic viewpoints and concerns of everyday magic. I liked your rants... they were so completely understandable! I'm adding this to my favorites... it's too good not to keep up with. Your style is much better than much of the stuff (I'd say crap, but I figured I'd be a lady) that actually gets published, and more level headed too boot. Great work.

Runwithscythes chapter 12 . 6/9/2003
its not the excuse, its the reason ;)

i like :) very amusing, evne though i'm an athiest. what am i doing here? it's interesting ;) and in the books i read you can't get all the jokes unless you know your gods. :) update soon :)
Silenced Muse chapter 11 . 5/30/2003
Wow. That was...wait, no words can decsribe it .

I will have to thank you over and over again until i'm satisfied! All these chapters ready snatched me up. I'll probably be reading all I can on every subject for the next week...nonstop! One thing i'm afraid I don't have is patience...*must learn patience*. So it kind of makes it hard to stay on one subject. Thanks for inspiring me!
DarkSorceress chapter 11 . 5/30/2003
Hmm, just what I needed. I recently have becmoe interested in Wicca, and I have wanted to hear the thoughts and the point s of view about it froma real wiccan. Thanks for the knowledge. This is going on my favourites list.
karmakaze chapter 2 . 5/29/2003
Hey, that aerobics site that girl sent us really helped me understand her viewpoint. NOT!
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