Reviews for tear
Mista Mugs chapter 1 . 9/11/2003
Very nice. I like the theme of circles for some reason...mayeb because they taste so good...


Great job on this one. I enjoyed it.

midnights shadow chapter 1 . 8/4/2003
like the cycle idea. Like the turn of phrases. liked the poem.
Blue SunriZe chapter 1 . 6/28/2003
I luv this poem. Good job. When you review my poems, you were blunt. At least you were honest though, and I like that.
Kittins cry chapter 1 . 6/16/2003

heres and idea, I dont want to seem mean so please dont take this the wrong way. But work on ur meaning,i read ur other poems, and they just dont really have a strong feel to them. OH and work on making it flow together (meaning not words).

But by the way, i really do like this one, its like a cycle. Its just somethign out of the ordinary. Keep writing.
rhapsody-child-of-the-sky chapter 1 . 12/30/2002 little 'round'a'bout cycle. I like it.
