Reviews for Shattered
MidorixGrl chapter 1 . 6/26/2009
i can really relate to this. it's beautiful (:
lookingwest chapter 1 . 3/30/2009
great emotion in this. the language was pretty informal, but i feel that contributes to it. i like the imagery, and use of words like "topaz" a description you don't find often enough!
glitterjewele chapter 1 . 2/8/2003
this is great! (i know, i know, you hate me for not reviewing for sooo long, but i haven't forgotten about you! really! here, i'm gonna redeem myself, please forgive me!) as always, you use great imagery/language/comparisons. awesome job of making it real while still making it seem ethereal. you have a very unique talent for doing that, you know? some of my favorite lines: "her eyes light up/like stars" and "she's still there/but she is/like shadows/hiding in the dark." and, as always, i marvel at your ability to create such an amazing rhythm with a completely freestyle poem. *is envious* you're fantastic! keep it up! major kudos!
RaNdi chapter 1 . 12/31/2002
very true (at least in my case)