Reviews for Maybe It's Destiny
alsdjf chapter 5 . 9/7/2003
Sao: You finally updated this story!

HOS: Yay! And how cool! She's the last of a race of ppl on another planet!

Sao: uh..., that's confusing, sorta. How does this Johnson guy know this? Is she going to go back?

HOS: Update soon, we have got to read more stuff, so peace out!

~Sao & HOS
Third chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
Hmm. It's kinda boring, if you ask me. You need smething to hook the readers. And more description on your characters and the setting.
cutelittledeadgirl chapter 1 . 4/19/2003
HELLO! This is the first one I've read of yours. I think it's very interesting. It could be a poem...anyhow...I'm thinking it's groovy..'T'
Penny Clearwater chapter 1 . 3/22/2003
TEE HEE! AH HAH! *Runs around in circles*

So, I accidently told her she could talk. I'll read what of this I haven't but I lovies it.

Emsy and Co chapter 4 . 3/20/2003
Emsy: MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE *slight pause* MORE MORE! This is groovy! I likers! Tell me when you get more.

Davie: Pretty . . . erm, groovy. She stole my word, but anyway, I like this too. What's gonna happen, Ishee?

KK: *drools at Davie, then snaps his head up* You should make Davie a cameo!

Captain: I liked this a lot! I couldn't understand some words though, but still, CONTINUE!

Ken: Hey, this makes me lok inteligent like I cann rite!

In conclusion, you should continue very sooners!
alsdjf chapter 4 . 1/20/2003
Sao: I really, really, really, really, really enjoy!

HOS: But the suspense is killing us! What was the image that had been a dream? Did she nearly kill herself? Good thing she didn't.

Sao: Oh, and we can relate to the whole homework thing. I've been trying really hard to keep up w/ my own stories. I have three. Two originals, and a Harry Potter fanfic.

HOS: No one cares, Sao! Stop advertising!

Sao: I am not advertising. I am merely relaying info, letting her know that I can relate!

HOS: Suuuuuuure! Write more Neptican! Pu-leez!

Sao: HOS, begging does not become you. Now, go. We have to get off 'fore Mom starts nagging. And you know she can go on for hours.

HOS: Yeah, you're right. *shudders thinking of how long a lecture can last* That would waste away like, a year of our life.

~Sao & HOS
Jenine Gail Urquhart chapter 4 . 1/20/2003
ack! this is sounding so good! I Can't wait for the next chapter!
Jenine Gail Urquhart chapter 3 . 1/20/2003
K something happened last time I tried to reveiw so this might be my second review but whatever 'cause this sounds like a really good story in progress!
Naja Copperleaf chapter 3 . 1/19/2003
This sounds promising. There is a lot of plot potential here, so don't leave us guessing! ;)
alsdjf chapter 3 . 1/19/2003
Sao: *looks at cliffie and...jumps!*

HOS: Nooooooooooo! *grabs Sao by the feet*

Sao: Let me go! I don't wanna have to wait! So cruel! She left it at a cliffie!

HOS: *drags HOS away from cliffie kickin' and screamin'* Geez, you're so melodramatic.

Sao: Fine. But I'm gonna sit here until she writes more! *to author* So get to writing!

~Sao & HOS
alsdjf chapter 2 . 1/19/2003
HOS: Don't insult the sheep!

Sao: Yeah, what did they ever do to you! J/P :P We're just being silly. We'll go to the next chapter now.

~Sao & HOS :)
Jenine Gail Urquhart chapter 1 . 1/18/2003
Sounds good so far, but I personally find the definitions kind of annoying. I know you were trying to do something with them but the thing is, I kind of want to just read the story and definitions of what the storie's talking about. If only the first chapter had those then it would be OK but if the whole story did I think people would just get agrivated and stop reading it all together. But all in all this sounds like it could really go some where so keep it up!
alsdjf chapter 1 . 1/18/2003
Sao: Hello, I am Sao. This is my other self.

HOS: Hello. In case you're wondering, HOS stands for Her Other Self.

Sao: Now, all I have to say is:


HOS: You have been forewarned. This is no idle threat, it is a promise. *shivers* You really don't want that rabbit chasing after you.

Sao: *looks around* Hey, I'm the first to review this! Don't worry, though. It's only a matter of time until ppl start reviewing. I'll even advertise for you in whichever one of my stories I update next! But you have to write this!

~Sao & HOS