Reviews for A Life Not Worth Living
Subbie chapter 11 . 4/5/2011
Hey th8is is really getting good... God job!
LGUGHGIFIF. uhmm SURPRISE chapter 11 . 7/26/2010
Sorry about my anonymous name. It's 5:49 A.M. and I'm tired. I like your story though. You probably won't update because it's been, oh... 7 years. I would like it if you updated though. (:

Naflower05 chapter 11 . 7/20/2010
this is a good story so far! i cant wait to see where it goes. ]
joselin4life123 chapter 11 . 5/16/2010
very good!
colourmyworld chapter 11 . 7/6/2009

This is amazing.

Why'd she have sex with her very first boyfriend the day they hooked up?

Sorry i just have this thing where i dont think teenages should be having sex. ]

Still love it! update please ]

God her teacher is so yuck!
Helpful Reader chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
Hey. I enjoyed your story so far. However, I have a few critiques to help make your story better. You have a few word errors. Instead of saying, "And we haven't heard since," you say, "And we haven't heard sense." Also, your context is a bit confusing. For example, the mom says, "Thank you honey," for the breakfast, but later the girl complains that her mother never says thank you for anything. You see what I mean? You should get someone to proof-read it before you submit it so that the readers don't get confused and it makes sense. Other than that, I like your story. ]
Wanabet chapter 11 . 3/27/2008
Gag, that teachers sick! But love the story1
Take me home chapter 11 . 8/30/2007
its good!
Dragonette12 chapter 11 . 8/2/2007
review plz! i wanna know what happens nxt!
firestar267 chapter 11 . 2/18/2007
Oh this is really good! I hope everything works out okay for her! Please update soon, keep it up!
StarryEyedAmie chapter 11 . 5/21/2005
This is a really really great story. I guess you're not going to keep updating but I would love to read more of this!
lindsay chapter 11 . 4/9/2004
great story... i'm waiting for more.. you really should update soon.. keep up the good work
Slideshow chapter 11 . 10/30/2003
oh my god, this story is so good! I love it all... you HAVE to continue. PleasE? PLEASe? This is great! I swear.

kymberli chapter 1 . 9/28/2003
i have a cat now but, within the week, my grandmother is gonna kill it because we cant afford cat food
Katiya Kramer chapter 1 . 8/4/2003
I love this story. I feel sorry for Heather and what she goes through sucks. Post the next chapter soon!
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