Reviews for Life and a Challenge
anathalea chapter 1 . 3/2/2003
i think that's an interesting concept, that life can be better if u take time to reflect on it . but i don't think it's for me. i live a full-on life, and i enjoy it. still, it entertained me. i like the beginning and ending, but your 'drifting' irritated my a little. that's fine, that was part of your writing style for this . or whatever. i dunno, u should know, seeign as your IQ is more than likely higher than mine. _~
LIZEROO chapter 1 . 2/28/2003
very interesting. my feelings. hm. i could never do what you do! never! i need something. i could give up tv and video games (i LOVE vid games!) and all that stuff, but if your thing includes reading and writing, i couldn't. :) i liked what you had to say about our generation (yes, our. i'm going to be 16 in may, soo.) i see what you had to say about trends, and people not seeing some of the things that matter so much more than the trivial gossip of "john cheated on amy? OMG!", and the loss of indentity and the goshdarn conformity.

i like your take on things. a different perspective, that's for doesn't match up w/mine, but it overlaps.

Sara chapter 1 . 2/6/2003
Intriging. I can relate to this and I agree to a varing degree. I'm not sure what else to write so...good job! BYE!
Sirn Noom chapter 1 . 1/27/2003
wonderful style, it certainly does make you react. you're not afraid to throw the throat-gripping modesty that most "secluded" sorts have out the window- i respect that.

::personal reaction to the challenge within:: the truth is, i don't think i could do it- attempt your challenge, that is. i understand what you are offering in it, but i don't know if i could face what went on with in my head, or throw away what i do. well, for a month even. lord knows my brain is a tangled mess of "unnessasarry" activites. could i try it on my days off? ::hopeful puppy eyes:: no, huh? ::sigh::

i hope everything goes well with your co-author.
Lil Miss Barton chapter 1 . 1/26/2003
Wow. It's funny...I'm kinda the same in how I think. People accuse me of being insensitive or lazy, but I don't think it's that...It's just how I am.

But this writing is very good!

I love your style