Reviews for Resist
Vivian Strong chapter 1 . 1/26/2004
It reminds me of a poem i recently wrote called "Can you hear it?." and how Jesus was tempted by the devil for 40 days. In teenage life, every word of your poem is true. Someone has finally realized how evil this world can be. I like the form of the quotations and rebuking. keep writing!
take care
careless whisper chapter 1 . 9/2/2003
Really Dalva Rose said it all. I will only add you need to try some new stylistic devices, the whole four line stanza rhyming thing is getting really really old.
The B.A.T chapter 1 . 7/23/2003
I like this a lot, and the quoted lines were a nice touch. Add that to the clever twist at the end... well, you get the idea! ~_
chairmanmeow chapter 1 . 6/24/2003
Quite true, quite true. Well written I'd say. And with a nice pattern of rhymes too! Keep on writing.
just-smile chapter 1 . 6/22/2003
A little repetitive, but its good. It probably doesnt have to be so long to get the point. The format also seems a bit strange... like, if they were 3 line stanzas it might have a better flow. But, good poem.
korie1 chapter 1 . 6/10/2003
It really show what tept there is and how u have to not let it bring u down...not let those who are below pull you down oh so slow...ripping and telling u what to do...makeing it so u always lose
eew chapter 1 . 5/29/2003
~ You really write great poems! Very inspiring and true. I'm glad that there are people who use their talent to lead those who are lost to the right path. Keep it up! ~

c. butterfly~**
blessed-goddess chapter 1 . 5/24/2003
O can u resist the evil temptation? I LOVE this, I also LOVE you other poem, Moment of Truth. Gosh u have SO many poems!
JesusLuvsYou chapter 1 . 3/26/2003
This kind of describes my thought process before I became a child of God...I knew I was doing something wrong but I didn't care...I was fighting with my mind...but I had to be 'cool'. If you want, you can read about My Life...I wrote a poem about it.

Della C chapter 1 . 2/19/2003
I like it all except the use of the word "cool" in the second stanza. I understand WHY you'd use it, to sort of give a message of informality to the whole thing, but for some reason it bothers me. feel free to ignore all of that. I really do like the sentiment.

Je'Sorto: I have FRIENDS? woo.
The Black Rider chapter 1 . 2/19/2003
Excellent poem. You are truly a gifted writer.
Toad-Frog chapter 1 . 2/17/2003
Thumbs-up! K/W
Needa S chapter 1 . 2/17/2003
I love the begining and the end in this piece. It is soo true and powerful. Excellent job on this piece! Keep writing.
aurias chapter 1 . 2/16/2003
Not many can resist and those who can will find that they can get through life easily after this. Very nice poem. Please do keep on writing. :)
Anna Vashdalal chapter 1 . 2/13/2003
This is another low in your pieces, and you demonstrate with this how silly you really are.

You're following a crowd. The cult of christianity. So, you are following that crowd. Just because they don't tell you to smoke pot and have sex with 5 people in one night, doesn't mean you shouldn't question what the tell you.

The world is not evil. It is a childish thing to say and you over simplify everything and make braod generalizations.

Here's an idea. Come out of your bedroom, and look around before you talk.
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