Reviews for A Marriage of Inconvenience
zagato chapter 8 . 1/12/2019
I'm guessing this story would eventually end with Iris and Owen together while Kate and Sam as well.
zagato chapter 6 . 1/12/2019
It seems that Iris and Owen had romantic feelings for each other. This may be a bad thing for Kate if she and Owen will continue with their marriage. Thanks.
Boo chapter 22 . 1/13/2014
It is great to read stories about people who have realistic, selfish wishes, who are egoistic. I really loved your story, it is always nice to read a story, the author of which is not afraid to twist the plot in a realistic way.
BurstofPassion chapter 22 . 8/7/2013
I don't know what you're talking about! I know that it's rather late, but better late than never, right? This was a great story with a bittersweet ending. I love stories with bittersweet endings. The only question I have is: what about Kate and U.S. Immigration? But, all in all, it is a pretty fuckin great story.
rosieroo chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Hey there! I'm Rosie from A Drop of Romeo and I'm happy to say that your story has been added to our archive, under the category of 'Miscellaneous'! Here's your review:

Rosie Thinks: This story, as the title suggests, starts off with 'The Marriage Cliche' - where both parties aren't in love but get married out of convenience. I've seen this cliche so many times that I was a bit hesitant to start this, but this story is definitely a twist on the norm.

Owen and Kate are just friends, but when Kate's in jeopardy of being deported and Owen's being labelled a playboy (bad for business), they decide to marry. It isn't done spur-of-the-moment, completely unrealistically either - instead, the marriage happens for reasons and in a way that it is realistic. The fact that they are friends before they marry puts an interesting twist on the whole story and something that I didn't expect at all.

I wouldn't really say that this story has one main character - I felt like it had four, but they're all pretty well developed and not stereotypical. This story wasn't overly emotional or anything dramatic like that, but it makes for a really lovely read that flowed yet was still complex. Friendship is also a focus in this story and the two romances that developed were just downright beautiful.
ellie.o chapter 22 . 1/26/2012
Dear Random Acts of Authorship,

I read this story a while back but didn't review it. I just wanted to thank you for sharing a good story and to say 'I remember you!'. I was lucky enough to have read it after it was completed, and I'm glad that you felt like you learned a lot about writing in the process. :) I hope that you continue to keep writing, because I'll keep reading!


caitly chapter 8 . 9/27/2011
"I just feel like I'm stuck in a really bad sitcom. And it's probably a rerun, too."

I absolutely LOVE this line!
TasteYourSins chapter 4 . 4/18/2011
Oh no...

I feel like things are happening between Iris and Owen and Iris is gonna get angry when she finds out. :(
three chapter 22 . 11/12/2010
loved this story and your others. Thank you for writing and sharing them!
tamii chapter 22 . 4/12/2010
Yay, I found it! I read this story ages ago but rediscovered it in a community! Love it :)

I'm glad Kate was forgiven and the ending is happy :D
kpan chapter 22 . 2/20/2010
omg i LOVE sam andkate together! theyre so cute together!

i mean i know that iris and owen have more history and everything, but sam and kate are definitely the cutest couple ever!
E. M. Isle chapter 22 . 2/5/2010
sweet story :)
Mxya chapter 22 . 2/2/2010
totally awesomesauceness! absolutely loved it! amazing!

kt chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
hi, I know I'm nitpicking but I'm pretty sure you can't go out of Cambridge with a physics degree. Their course is natural sciences so you leave with a MSci or a bachelor.

The only reason I know is that it annoys tons of students every year who want to do a pure science course and not just specialise a year or two in.

Nice start though, good work on your characters, very likable but very human :)
kk chapter 22 . 11/25/2008
I really enjoyed this! It was well paced and i fell in love with both brothers!
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