Reviews for A Marriage of Inconvenience
LadyOfLiterature chapter 1 . 1/29/2008
I love this so far. I love the characters of Kate and Iris. The dialogue is witty, funny and very realistic. I'm going to happily trundle off and read more!
Little Comet chapter 18 . 1/28/2008
Hope I dont sound rude when I say this, but its about time! But, I also understand wanting/needing to take a break from stuff for a while.

This chapter is definitely a good one.
anacharlie chapter 17 . 8/18/2006
I've been reading this for the last few days. It's great! I can't wait for the next update. )
MKREE chapter 1 . 5/23/2006
so far so good!
swimchickslam chapter 17 . 5/1/2006
oh no! I can't wait! :D
ali chapter 17 . 4/30/2006
Today's the last day of April! Please, please update
Destiny Violet chapter 17 . 4/28/2006
Woot! GREat story, I absolutely can't wait till the next chapter! I wish they would all just communicate. *sigh*.
invisible.writer chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
I don't mean to be a nag, but I was just hoping that perhaps there was a new chapter for this story? It's one of my favorites. I know you're really busy at the moment, but if it's possible... Congrats on your new house by the way.
lavender chapter 17 . 4/8/2006
end of April is fast approaching...crossing my fingers for an update!
Lady of romance world88 chapter 17 . 3/1/2006
Hey! Poor Katie. What will Owen and Iris going to do? Will they going to tell her what happens? Will Katie going to cancel the wedding? Why does Owen choose Katie not Iris? I thought he love Iris...Hurry update soon.
The Fourth Fate chapter 1 . 1/9/2006
Hahaha. It's so funny! I can't wait to find out what happens! I love the name "Owen." I hope he's a lovable character. Can't wait to meet him! Poor Kate. That story about her boyfriend was so sad! Iris is funny. Okay well I'll check back in soon.
it's only castles burning chapter 17 . 12/15/2005
I love this story! I hope Sam and KAte get together, I love them!
lostinscotland chapter 17 . 12/13/2005
i would just like to say that i am madly in love with this story. and also with your penname, incidentally. and just so you know how in love with this story i am, i'll just let you know that i was definitely reading it all night and all day when i was supposed to be studying for my german final. of all the finals to not study for, i picked the one in a foreign language. not so smart. but i was addicted- what can i say?

owen's proposals were great...all three of 'em. i thoroughly approved. and the whole marriage thing is quite fun. though i defintely like owen and very cute together. whereas sam and kate are downright adorable. oh, love...

anyways, i really should be off now to study for those other finals i have, but i wanted you to know i love this story and i'll be eagerly awaiting updates! not terribly impatiently, though, because i too have a story with only 17 chapters that i started over two years ago... but i'll be happy when you update, certainly!
Hell's first Icicle chapter 17 . 9/20/2005
oh no! i luv ur characters all so much, buh i feel the insane urge to bash them all on their heads with mi how many chappies to go?
Maroon chapter 17 . 8/26/2005
You can really tell that your maturity is higher than most of the people on fiction press. Your writing has a fluid grown up style. I love the detail, the dialogue, the sarcasmn and the misunderstandings in the plot. The dialogue is completly beleivable- which sometimes I find is not in other fictions.

I admit I'd seen this fiction around for a while but never bothered to read it but today I thought Hey why not. and i read it all in one go...and I simply loved it! I love that the girls are british( not just beacuse im english , nope i'm not biased honest!), and you make all these remarks relating to it, but I like that it's set in America.

Yeh, its a tad cliche and well the guys are maybe a little too perfect but hey a girl can dream that her perfect man will come along! For some reason I find myself warming to Kate over Iris. I mean I think Iris is a good charcter but there is something more homely about her. Again i prefer Luke, but im not sure about teh jewelerry shop, but then again he's fit so its ok!

I hope that this all gets resolved and you better update soon. I'm suprised you havent ahd more reviews but I suppose thats the way the cookie crumbles( you'll have to excuse me for that one...)

Anyway I'm a hopeless romantic though i try not to admit it. Loved it, update soon

Love Maroon

P.s loved the comment in your profile about the extra true!
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