Reviews for The Other Side of the Mirror
MysteriousMoonlight chapter 41 . 1/6/2005
This is a good story. I'm glad you finished it and you finished it well. I was wondering when you were going to update this story, too.I'll be sure to look at your other stories when I have the time. Finals and stuff. bleh.
CynicInLove chapter 41 . 1/6/2005
so...along with saige and adrian..does the reader's journey end here or does it continue on for a while? im usually all for a sequal, but one word of advice..i think there's a sense of closure to this chapter that finishes this story. i wouldnt mind if there WAS a sequal though, more of saige and adrian mushiness! lol. but anyways, if there's no sequal, well then, i think that's okay too. like i said, this chapter really closes the proverbial door on this journey. awesome job with this story! -Dom
zeekie1 chapter 40 . 1/6/2005

zeekie1 chapter 41 . 1/6/2005
that was a fascinating ride that was fairly realistic said that, there were two things that bugged mefirst, there are two p's in kidnapped (a small thing, but a lot of them get distracting) second, your courtroom scene needs a little bit of work.

“Did Mr Bots ever act in ways that seemed abnormal to you?”

“Objection! He’s leading the witness!”


defense lawyers are allowed to lead the witness to some extent, and besides, that question is not a leading question.a leading question would be more like "Mr. Bots acted abnormally, didn't he?"

also, Aidan's outburst would likely be objected to because it is non-responsive. He is not answering the question. Witnesses have to answer the questions given them by the lawyers. arguing about them makes the case look weaker.

(i also don't know if there's really a good case for legal insanity, but i won't screw with your storyline)

hope that was helpful not irratating domi
Death Princess chapter 41 . 1/6/2005
coolies u finalli finished it! im spposed 2 be doin my hw but i thought id just read this first. u rounded it off niceli. even tho i personali wud hve liked edgar 2 go 2 jail the ending u put was way betta since well it was more realistic.
keep.breathing chapter 1 . 1/6/2005
great start, I will be reading more later!
Vanessa chapter 41 . 1/6/2005
Wow Lee!Very Impressive; most often when I finish a story I am left unfinished. I want to learn more about the characters and everything feels like it was just thrown together to make it stop; but not this. Very nice ending!Vanessa
Lorok chapter 41 . 1/6/2005
Make another story! Your a lot better author than so many people it isn't even funny! Well... ya, wait no, no it isn't. Horray for you!
Lorok chapter 40 . 1/6/2005
You make this story so realistic. That is one of the best things about it. Can't wait for the next chapter.

P.S. Oh my God! I didn't go on my rant for making us wait so long. It's a miracle!
hurricane1 chapter 41 . 1/6/2005
wow...its the end...this is the absolute best story! its one of my favorite...and ur an awesome writer...three cheers for u! so yea..newyz...keep writing more stories that inspire all of us!-hurricane...
Kura-sama chapter 41 . 1/5/2005
Good Job! I'm too tired to give a coherent review of praise, but, I still am awake enough to say Good Job! ... I seem to have forgotten any other words ... _
Tomako Briefs chapter 41 . 1/5/2005
I can't believe it's finally over...

Chaos Tears chapter 41 . 1/5/2005
wow, amazing, absolutely amazing, that's really all i can say about this story, just, awesomely amazing, lolwell, i'm really upset that Edgar didn't get to go to jail... he should have ! stupid jury people... gr... I really hope that you will possibly make a sequel, cause that would be awesome too, and i would LOVE to read it, oh, and i also think you should make this a book or something, cause i bet it would be a best seller, i know i'd buy it. well, i just want to thank you for writing this story so that everyone could read it, so, Thanks
lovingyoubehindglasswalls chapter 41 . 1/5/2005
No its over! no... but i love it.. i know i havn't reviewed this story before but i have been keeping up with this.. ands wow.. but no its done... :D...good job!
Star Studded Diamond chapter 41 . 1/5/2005
I wantd to tell you that this story was absolutely wonderful! The was you write, is fantastic. You describe their feelings, emotions, and thoughts so well. Although that I'm alitlle saddened that this wonderful story has come to an end, I think that the ending was wonderful. Even though they didn't have Edgar go to jail being guilty, they still got him to go to therapy. And, they had a baby. Anyways, I admired this story so much. Great job! _
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