Reviews for The Other Side of the Mirror
kizzle chapter 35 . 7/28/2004
I just spent the last three hours reading your story. It's so good. Please say that this update isn't the end, you're such a good writer. It's amazing how much those characters went through. Please keep on writing!
Lemonhead754 chapter 35 . 7/26/2004
eek that last line sounded somewhat i'm not sure what to say...hopefully everything turns out well...update soon
AngelcakesUK chapter 35 . 7/26/2004
Yay! Bye bye Eric! I want Saige and Aiden smoochies!
CrystalDusk chapter 35 . 7/23/2004
o YEAH! about time you updated! likewise with jessica dumping eric. bout time too. he was a b. now all you have to do is update again!
br8kin-d-habit chapter 26 . 7/22/2004
Wow...this is so god! it's like a real book. whatever, I sound stupid. but it's really good.
Amandine Daumier chapter 35 . 7/22/2004
PLEASE PLEASE CONTINUE! i love the story i really can't wait for more!
Scorpio chapter 35 . 7/20/2004
Oh wow. Finally this story has been updated! YAY! You should update more often, ya know. Anyways, another good chapter. I am soo happy that finally Eric is outta the picture. Argh! I hated him from the start.
Anyways, please update soon, ok? We all really need another major update! lol! )
Namishka chapter 35 . 7/20/2004
do write more. this is a good story.
Slightly Bent Halo chapter 35 . 7/20/2004
I LOVE YOU! i'm so happy u updated!
everyone has been updating letely.. i think it's coz of it being holidays...
another good chapter!
i thought eric was going to hit her, or that aidan was going to go out and help jessica, but i think it was much better the way u wrote it. and saige and jessica hugging! aw
sometimes all u need is a hug, when words won't do.
louragan chapter 35 . 7/20/2004
Yes, Eric is finally gone! Thanks for an update. :) I think I may be in love with Aidan. *_*
Lindsay Marie chapter 35 . 7/19/2004
awesome chapters! I cant wait for more :)
Descendant of Darkness chapter 35 . 7/19/2004
I read your story today, it took a few hours but I made it. You're not going to make Saige's child retarded are you? Please don't, I think I might cry if you do. Okay, maybe not cry...
Endowment's Seraph chapter 35 . 7/19/2004
Great chapter. can't wait for more
Tomako Briefs chapter 35 . 7/19/2004
That was sad... 6_6,
Little Lady Mab chapter 35 . 7/19/2004
MOORE! Aiden needs to kiss Saige XP write more yeah yeah! This is my favorite!
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