Reviews for The Fallen City
akflribmdjewlgkhjtrifjhbjnfkdl chapter 1 . 11/16/2005
I love it. Very good rhythm and rhyme. Very simple but profound. Very good! Also, as a Tolkein fan, I must say, I love you. You are actually a person that read the books and did not just see the movies and call yourself a fanatic. That is not fanaticism. Speaking of your quote, I prefer Radagast. But we all have differing opinions. Anyway, I wanted to say that I am a fellow Tolkein obsessor.(I think I spelled that right?) Talk to me sometime, I would love to speak with you. "In Middle-Earth will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world." -King Elessar, Year 3019 of the Third Age
jemraja chapter 1 . 7/5/2004
nicely written - when yu spell it out in ur head it flows beautifully, and it doesn't need long strings of complicated vocabulary to voice the beauty and sadness of it all...
GoodbyeDeleteThisPage chapter 1 . 2/25/2003
A wondefully written poem. It has good meter and rhythm. It graciously sad and morbid but I enjoyed it a lot.

Look to the Stars,

