Reviews for Rabbiting On
Dizzy the Freak chapter 1 . 12/20/2003
Yes, another review. Though I bet you like those, don't you? o.-
Since I was little, I've been... kinda... obsessed with cats. *twitch* Ask my parents, tons of embarrasing stories, loads of fun. .
skybluekitty chapter 1 . 11/15/2003
i'd just like to say that that's really a neat thing, being a fur. i totally understand prejudice, being both Wiccan and bisexual myself (among other things). I've never heard of being a fur before...i mean, i've come across the idea before, but i had no idea that *other* people think about things like that too!

now, i'm kinda tossing around the idea of being a fur myself. i mean, i have this huge thing for horses. i know it's really common to be horse-obsessed, but i've been completely in love with horses for about six years now. and i've never ridden a horse in my life. but like, every time i see one, i just feel this total longing to go...*talk* to it or something. uh, this is kind of a long review and all, but if you're interested in talking more about this with me, you can always email ()
outruntheavalanche chapter 1 . 10/17/2003
Wow, I never heard of this before, but I enjoyed your essay. It was very well written and thought out :)
Evil-Frolicing-Angel chapter 1 . 10/16/2003
Danke chen! The steriotype is so bizarre! I know I cant spell :*} ( Think tha's a little more accurate on the Rabbit scale, but I wouldn't know, since I'm a completely unknown species: The Rabbit with bige pointe theethe. The only documented sightings of theis creatuere, which is actually a hare, is in a monty python film... Wow this is a long parenthesis... I didn't mean to keep on going and going...) I am all happy because of the essay you wrote, and I loved the inside humour.
wonkydonkey chapter 1 . 9/24/2003
I'm sorry lover, don't be angry. :-*
wonkydonkey chapter 1 . 9/24/2003
Oh get over it!
FurballofEvilness chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
This is a very interesting essay. I'm a big fan of WSD, and i can't help but say that you did a totally remarkable job. (even if you only mentioned it atleast twice) I had no idea that there were actually things like this going on. ignorant me. well anyways, great job! .
Crow08 chapter 1 . 9/13/2003
I usually get bored when I read long essays, but yours is well - written and keeps the reader entertained.

I got my first pet about five years ago: a hamster. Since then I have gotten eight more.

Although I haven't heard of furs until now, I've dreamed many times that I was a hamster; taking on their aspects such as sight, sound, and hearing. I've also found that they are quite complex creatures ... most people just classify them as a rat.

I also like how you bring up the novel WaterShip Down. I read it a short while ago, and it seemed that I somehow connected with it (thank the world for Blackberry).

This is a great essay.
Zurizip chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
Hm. I think I know a fur, but she no knowing it. Wolf.

I dunno about me, Dolphin, if anything, but I'm drawn mostly to the ocean itself, so it isn't furriness exactly.

I've never heard the term, but learn something new every day...
tofujunky chapter 1 . 8/26/2003
That was one of the most interesting thing I have ever read. I'm glad you wrote this because I've learned something new today :)

Anyways, I am a vegetarian for a reason. I love animals, and absolutely despise people who kill them for fun. I believe all living things should have the right to the pursuit of happiness, not just humans! My own family (all meat eaters) thinks I'm a little wacky because of it, but it doesn't bother me. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and I respect that.

I feel a strong sympathy for snakes. I can't stand it when people mention "snake" and "evil" in the same breath. I don't mind becoming a "fur", since I'm pretty much anti-human anyways. This is just me. So please don't get me wrong, I don't mean that to be "fur", you have to be anti-human or anything like that. I think I should stop babbling now . . .

Hey, it looks like you were born on the year of the rabbit. Am I right?
Namir Swiftpaw chapter 1 . 8/21/2003
Ah, Loganberry...I didn't know you were a were (or fur, as you call it) too!

But I must say that domestic cats are NOT that well represented in the fur/were community. I know of one other domestic cat besides myself. I have seen many wild cats (lions, tigers, cougars) but barely any kitties.

Are you part of Werenation, by any chance? I don't know if I have ever seen you on there, but I'm on there a lot (it's a messageboard for people who are therianthropes/fur/were). You should join, if you haven't already.

It's awesome that you are a rabbit fur. You're the first bunny I have met. Any particular species?

Man...that's so cool. It's weird how many other weres/furs I have met on this site.

Anyway, nice essay! I think you explained it well, and all the more power to you for getting in tune with yourself and discovering who you are!

Keep writing!

~Namir, your friendly neighborhood kitty.
pinkdragon chapter 1 . 8/5/2003
I'm intrigued. I'm interested in knowing more. Like, how does one know they're a fur? If it isn't too pushy of me, I'd like you to read the first quote of my bio and chapter 5 of my fic Curiosity. If you don't, I totally understand. Just email me and tell me to p*ss off, and I will. If not, plz email me and let me know what you think.


tobythorne chapter 1 . 7/31/2003
I don't understand all the "fur" stuff, but I do believe the "Spiritually furriness" you refer to is called Therianthropy. Where one believes they are, in part (their soul or spirit) an animal.

Anyway, I like your writing style, and I enjoyed reading this. It was fun and informative :) hehe.
Terra1 chapter 1 . 7/27/2003
You're probably quite unfortunate that I'm writing this to you, but still. Some things need to be said.

It is such a pity that people go around calling themselves Furs. I mean, I could be a fur too, for Merlin's sake! If I'd found out about this subculture a while ago, I would have been known as a Cat to almost everyone!

But how - how - can you fail to see how restricting it is? No not liberating, restricting. I mean, there are too many subcultures around, and all they end up doing is leaving humanity to be a miserable shadow of what it should rightly be.

You see, Furs, Werewolves, Dragons, Faes, Vampires, Angels, Demons... we're all human. And more to the point, all of you - and I should be included in that for I'm damned sure I fit in somewhere - are *spiritually open*. Now I know you won't say you're *not* human, but other humans are referred to as 'mundanes', and more importantly, this subculture is a shelter.

You are a rabbit, aren't you? And a human. But also, a rabbit. So, whether willingly or not, you are less included in the category of 'humans' than mundanes are. I don't know if you realize that, but seriously, don't tell me you don't feel *apart*, or *distanced* from the less spiritually open. And what I mean by that is simply that you are more accepting, more tolerant, more able to connect with your 'soul'.

If *everyone* in this world who has achieved a certain level of spirituality finds they can fit in with a subculture that will make them less connected to the mainstream, dominant, conformist culture, then *that* culture will wane in quality simply because it can't *benefit* from all this underground spirituality.

And 'humanity' becomes mundane. Spiritual becomes subculture. I don't know how to explain this any better, but I *know* I'm right when I say that this is not the way it was meant to happen. Everything is actually so simple it hurts me no end to see it become so confusing.

I can't write any longer, these restrictions we place on our own kin and future for the sake of peace rather than balance are hurting me too much.

I hate it all, I bloody hate it all.
dfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdw chapter 1 . 7/3/2003
An interesting and engaging little essay, and so very, very true. I don't believe I've ever seen the aspects of furrydom so well-described. Everything you have written rings true for me and probably many other self-professed furries. Well done, my good rabbit, well done. :)

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