Reviews for One by One the Penguins Steal My Sanity
Debbie-chan chapter 1 . 9/1/2005
And you say I suck.
Kirona of the skies chapter 1 . 3/23/2005
XD Hahaha! Funneh. I liked it much. Except, I must point out one error; in one line, you said "Being the hemophiliac that I am". HemoPHILIACS are people who have a genetic disease that prevents their blood from clotting. HemoPHOBICS are afraid of blood. Other than that, there's nothing really wrong with it. Way to be creative with a very cliched statement. _;;
howdoesonedeleteonesprofile chapter 2 . 1/23/2005
Isn't this on a t-shirt?

This story is awesome. Please write more! Please! I have to know!
SilverGryphin chapter 1 . 11/22/2004
ha. the title drew me in. my friends all have penguins and i havent figured out what my voices are yet. awesome.
Radyn is a fucking whore chapter 1 . 6/10/2004
Yo Radyn? Looking for a couple o' guys to fuck. Well me and my friends are ready. Them again you're probably against the whole idea of sex and in a world of your making, we would all be EXTINCT. Well I'd pay the price just to escape YOU!
Did that bother you? omg lol gurl luv
Dumb ass BITCH
Neon Tetra chapter 2 . 5/1/2004
It's been a while since I laughed aloud at a story that was supposed to be funny. Thank you.
By the way, are you ever going to re-post "How To Write Dark Poetry" and that thing about Opinion-Be-Gone?
fairiesrmean chapter 2 . 1/28/2004
Whale: Hmm, what is this big thing flying up at me? It's so big and round, it needs a name... ow oun ground! That's it! I wonder if it will be friends with me...
*squishes penguins*
g21lto chapter 1 . 1/5/2004
Funny! I like! Penguins - makes it more interesting than the standard angel/devil on your shoulder dialogue. I must know what happens with the boiling water and the knife...
Starlight Maiden chapter 2 . 9/24/2003
Flaming Trident of Doom HAHAHAHAHA. I gotta say, that was the part that made me laugh the most. Also the " see the thing is...Bye!" Somehow got me. *applauds* Very nice.
cramer chapter 2 . 9/20/2003
nice. hilarious in fact. even sexy in a strange, masocistic sort of way. tres tres bon, toi etrange zut-tete.
blivy chapter 1 . 9/3/2003
you must be bored very often.

but then again, so am i. which is why i'm reading this.

my favorite part: "Kaze smiled and bowed, which is quite an accomplishment when you’re a penguin."
Starlight Maiden chapter 1 . 8/19/2003
Daniel Jones is that YOU? Sorry, Daniel is the only freak in the world who keeps telling me the penguins steal his sanity. Not calling you a freak. Ok never mind I think I'm just gonna leave now...(nice work by the way)
anonymusee chapter 1 . 8/6/2003
Hehe... i'm submitting this before i read the actual story, but it looks hilarious, and i just wanted to tell you... ya, the penguins talk to me too... wait.. no.. that wasn't what i wanted to say... what i meant was that charlie is a green and blue starfish... wait.. *sigh...okay, lets try this again... what i wanted to say was... my friend has a shirt with 'one by one the penguins steal my sanity' on the front of it... yeah... okay, that's it... i better go before the penguins make me say something else.. ~ja~ne~
Pyralis Dawn chapter 1 . 7/16/2003
I find this extremely frightening. I have had personal incidents with peguins and they scare the heck out of me. I now hold the uncounterable truth that pegiuns are indeed evil.

It all stems from the horrible experience of my freshman year... You see, our school mascot was a penguin. Penny the penguin. She was an extremely fat little bird that was unable to fly and wore a humungous, red, polka-dotted bow on her head. Needless to say, that alone was frightening enough.

But no, that was not all. You see, our school had possibly to largest amount of school spirit I have ever witnessed in my life, which annoyed the heck out of me to no end.

Well, the school was celebrating some sort of athletic acomplishment in our gymnasium, when they decided to put on a show of school spirit (oh how surprising). Well, four senoirs came out, dragging this humungous stuffed penguin, about as tall as a person and twice as wide. They were all wearing cowboy hats and chaps, and decided it would be oh-so-fun to throw the penguin out into the middle of the gym floor.

Needless to say, even more frighteneing. They then proceeded to tie- no, HOG-tie the penguin with rope, and then drag it off into the locker rooms, where it was never heard from again. The whole while our entire school in the gym was chanting the name of our sports team.

I think I was about ready to vomit.

But enough about my own bad experiences with penguins...

Great story.
VladimirsAngel chapter 2 . 4/17/2003
*blinkblinks* You have penguins? I have demon lynxes...I thought it was just me! *falls on Radyn's shoulder and sobs* I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE!

*coughs...composes herself*

*grins* By the way, from the makers of the Flaming Trident of Doom (TM) you can now also get the Shiny Stick With A Nail In It (TM), if you want revenge on the feathery freeloaders...
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