Reviews for That's Life |
blondeonstilts chapter 5 . 9/19/2004 I like this story-A lot. |
indecisivepunk chapter 5 . 5/19/2003 interesting... i still want to see these boys... |
Lami chapter 5 . 5/16/2003 *dances around on cloud nine* yay! you updated! I'd love to see a chapter or two from Schuyler's pov, like you said, not only to get to know him, but also the outside percpective on Casey. and, first day of school...*shudders* ,that, will be interesting knowing Casey:) (oh no, i'm starting to think of them in real people terms!) |
GothicBaby chapter 4 . 3/20/2003 Great story! please write more soon. |
indecisivepunk chapter 4 . 3/9/2003 cool story. they both seem hot. now too bad im not a gay guy. |
Ai No Ame chapter 4 . 3/6/2003 Oh wowies! This was a great chapter! All boy-boy action. I hope that Casey doesn't change though, it would be a pity if you ask me. Update soon! |
Lami chapter 4 . 3/6/2003 more more, please, i need more! i love your fic, esp. the relationship between Courtney and Casey, it's soo sweet. i hope to see more of the weet litte darling in the next chapter. yes, you're right generic charachters are funny in the right contextand i like your sense of humour. can't wait to get to know Shyler better too. ;) |
Lami chapter 2 . 3/6/2003 oh, an update! *G* this get's better and better, can't wait to see what happens at the school:) *lights fag and sits back to read next chapter* ahh, life is good.;) Travis. |
GoTHiK-FReEK chapter 3 . 3/5/2003 I love this story! Casey's such an intriging and sexy character. Please, please keep writing! |
Lami chapter 1 . 3/5/2003 aww, courtney is so sweet! and casey..well, I'm in love with your charechters! except for the some what generic perental units but i guess the stiory isn't centered around them anyway. i hope you update soon. Travis. |