Reviews for In the Eye of the Tiger
Lovethyneighbor chapter 1 . 8/15/2017
Type your review here. I am only at chapter one, and your story moved me already, simpathysing with her, for her parents that are only looking out for there own safety, and she must tend to herself, how sad. Great start , makes one wants to read further to see how it unfolds.
forestfairy132 chapter 31 . 9/6/2016
I do not know if you still check your reviews since it has been quite awhile since you finished this story, but I just wanted to say this was a great story. The plot was interesting, and it held my attention. The tension between the characters was definitely palpable. If you ever consider publishing, let me know so I can get a copy. All in all, great work. Just work on some minor grammatical errors and you'll be fantastic!
somersaultkick chapter 31 . 11/13/2015
Awwww. I love this. Though an epilogue is much appreciated, I'm content with how it ended.
LaGrid chapter 3 . 9/15/2015
I liked the first 3 chapters! A lot!
Mii3.1415926 chapter 31 . 7/23/2015
Wow...just wow
augmentedDREAMS chapter 6 . 7/15/2015
Ah, I don't know what to take in from this. In the first chapter Leah says that she is shy and hates attention but throughout the rest of the chapters she has been nothing but the absolute opposite. She is acting like the spoiled brat one would expect a rich girl who is pampered by her parents to be.

"No one pushes Leah Townsend around." Yeah well, your parents do. It seems like you tried to create a tortured, unfortunate rich girl who looks like she has everything but nothing but frankly that description falls short. Just declaring that in the first chapter doesn't make it true, you have to keep it constant through the rest of the chapters as well. Sean is right. Leah is very annoying.
lilcarellijohn chapter 31 . 6/16/2015
Loved it
I felt I need more closure for the ending but I still Loved it with all my heart
Guest chapter 3 . 5/26/2015
In the first chapter, when Leah called Jack, she introduced herself as Leah Thornton. But now she's Leah Townsend. Which is it?
Ilsa with an I chapter 31 . 10/12/2014
fivesevenfive chapter 31 . 8/23/2014
Kind of cliché, but isn't everything? I like it that way. The only downside is not knowing what happens to then after you end the story. Cliffhangers :(
An epilogue would be nice but not necessary.
Guest chapter 31 . 6/30/2014
This whole story was abrupt . In the begining this story seemed promising then it turned corny .The rating should be T . There was nothing mature in this .
Yuki98 chapter 31 . 2/10/2014
Reading this has been both awkward and exciting for me considering my name really is Leah ... if you get how it feels from my point of view I hope you do.
I loved this story if you are still looking for ideas for another one I have some.
If your into fantasy then you can make a story of dragon tamers, magicians, mythical creatures, People with special powers in a fantasy world I thought you might find it fun to write.
I shouldn't be saying this but I have always thought of a romance scene where a spell is cast to bind your lover ... literally.
LotusTears chapter 31 . 11/8/2013
This should be published. Really good!
Alice Nguyen1 chapter 31 . 7/16/2013
Okay, so I love this story! Like so much more than I love one that Star123 had written, about football and all. I always love spies and those kind of romance and all. I really love the storyline you've created, it was very talented. This is story is so amazing that I couldn't stop reading until it's done, it's unforgettable. Anyway...I really enjoy this story that you've written and finished. I just love it!
LeweBecki chapter 5 . 4/26/2013
Lol so x.x i was testing out your story and .. He slapped her ! Lool interesting .. Very interesting
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