Reviews for underground
kuroi-urufu chapter 16 . 4/19/2006
You know... this has to be one of the cutest emo boy love stories i've read. And i love the character development and how selective you are with information, like how you say 'And I now know why he doesn't like to watch sappy movies.' You don't give to much infomation out.

Overall i think it's very well writen
StarDust Rocker chapter 16 . 3/27/2006
I have been up since 10 pm last night and once I found this story I couldn't stop reading.

[insert long pause]

Oh my God, this story was awesome. Like, I do not have the words, but that may be because I've been all night but I'm pretty sure it's the story. _

You should... Write a sequel!Dur nur nur! Really, Nathen and Jaysin deserve one don't you think?
klahrissa chapter 5 . 12/28/2005
I u nderstand that sometimes dialogue is needed to get a feel for the characters but this is way too much dialogue. Too much seemingly pointless dialogue makes the stary boring.
tomato-greens chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
Kayne and Abel! I get it!

...Right. Interesting premise. Like the main character. Will read more. Ugg ugg me like ugg.

(I'm sick, please forgive me for the bad review.)
silvermyth chapter 1 . 11/1/2005
The way you spelled Jaisyn kind of threw me for a loop, there, cause it kind of looks like Jaidyn, this girl at my school. x_o;
golden-flame4 chapter 16 . 2/20/2005
OH MAN~! YOUR WRITING IS AWESOME~! gah i loved this~!
Js chapter 1 . 1/25/2005
Kayne and Abel? Why am I not surprised. After all the store is called Biblical Proportions. P Very...original.

I like the story so far. )
Guest chapter 16 . 1/8/2005
Their relationship was so shallow, and based on sex to begin with. It just made me sick. Friends BEFORE sex, at the very least. Not after.

I think I just spent 4 hours reading this, and I just wasn't satisfied. Oh well, I like your other short stories, a whole lot... I think mostly because they and kind of sadly... Now I'll read you new one.
Silver Shadows chapter 12 . 12/31/2004
JESUS! GIVE ME A FUCKING HEART ATTACK, WHY DON'T YOU? *ok, just breathe, Silver, just breathe* GRRH...gonna KILL Jake...KIL...
Silver Shadows chapter 10 . 12/31/2004
Sorry that I haven't reviewed before this, I usually do, but for some reason I keep forgetting this isn't a book. Off screen, I mean. _ I keep forgetting to review. So yeah. _ This story is really wonderful. I keep getting lost in it, it's so good. And not many stories do that to me. Even with the killer headache staring at the screen gave me, I'm glad I read this! _ And I'm not even done yet! But...jeez...I think I know who's winning the marathon. *wink*
ddz008 chapter 16 . 7/25/2004
It was simply great, amazing and lovely!
The first chapter was kinda :s weird, I didn't completely like it... but something of it caught my attention and I couldn't stop reading until it was to late and my eyes were and I was almost sleeping in the board.
So I have finished until today!
And I LOVE it!
The whole story was fascinating!
Nathen and Jaysin are so cute!
I LOVE them!
Nathen was a bit scary sometimes :S
Jake also!
This story and it's characters were GREAT!
Hope to see more of you, you're a great author... you're going to be added to my fav stories list!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
ShadowGal chapter 11 . 5/24/2004
:blinks: What? Huh? I'm so confused, that was out of nowhere. Did I miss something? Poor Jaisyn...
ShadowGal chapter 10 . 5/24/2004
Ah yes, poor, *poor* Jaisyn. :rolls her eyes:
Oh, and have I mentioned yet how much I love the spelling of his name? (His being Jaisyn, of course)
ShadowGal chapter 9 . 5/24/2004
:melts:: Good-good. No time for me to think of more to say, I must go on to the next chapter. Immediately.
Language? German? Meh... Whatever.
ShadowGal chapter 8 . 5/24/2004
I'm very glad you added that little mini-disclaimer at the end, 'cause you had me sort of worried. Not big-time worried, just a little, but still...
Anyway, I'm very much addicted to this story, can't believe it took me so long to get back to it.
:rushes off to read some more:
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