Reviews for Prophecy
Morpheus' Beloved chapter 22 . 5/4/2012
i cried at the end and was so mad to because i felt SO bad for them! you did a really well job writing this.
JudasMonster chapter 13 . 6/1/2011
I cried... Oh god...
JudasMonster chapter 7 . 6/1/2011
Very lovely... I'm a sucker for unrequited love (though clearly it isn't in their case). The "I love you" scene made me feel fluffy and stuff-y. Ha. Can't wait to read the rest... I liked the view on "love making".

So sweet :)
ZephiraBlaze chapter 3 . 12/19/2010
Poor Eian :(

Nicely written, there are so many things that can go wrong with 'scenes of a sexual nature' but I think you handled it really well.
ZephiraBlaze chapter 2 . 12/19/2010
Very nice! I especially like the way you've put across his conflicting emotions and the way you've used his thoughts to help tell the story. My one critisism would be that this seems to have moved on too quickly from the last chapter; there isn't much of a background for the characters yet, they don't have quite as much depth as I'd like to see. I don't know if that makes any sense.
ZephiraBlaze chapter 1 . 12/19/2010
Wow! I like this alot. You have managed to convey that the protagonist is a guy and it flows really well. I like the style and the storyline itself is intriguing even after just the first chapter. Now off to read the second one!
frolic-horror chapter 22 . 3/22/2009
Ahh... I loved the story but I now wish I'd stopped reading at chapter 20 or 21...
Secondhand-ThetaXx chapter 1 . 1/16/2009
this is a very awesome story.
Seemingly Pointless chapter 1 . 9/21/2008
ooh...this is like a...insightfull(?) story. i like it. you seem like a serious person...:) haha, but mabye you arn't, i just get that vibe, ja. anyway, great job, i love it! :)
a.s. bygones chapter 25 . 10/28/2006
Wow wow wow. Depressing as hell, but a fascinating read that leaves room for a sequel. :D You're an incredibly talented writer! Do keep writing.
Geo Chocorua chapter 25 . 9/11/2006
Hi. I was speechlees when i finished this Story. I absolutly loved it. 'Course I cried... who wouldn't? I... just wow. you are very talented. this story... it''s just amazing. I do beg you to write an alternate ending... post it seperate maybe? please! i can't stand that he's dead. i just cant stand it. I love his character. i ask you, please make an alternate ending where they both live... please?(gives puppy dog eyes) oh and i think you should try and get this published. if you haven't already tried that is. but i totally think that you should. im serious. this was so amazing, get it published. i'll be one of the first people to buy it. so publish it.. -K-? oh and about an alternate ending... please... obviously i wouldnt ask for this ending to be replaced...its perfect. so basicly please publish it and write an alternate ending just for here.. please? bye!
Green Eyed Pixie chapter 22 . 7/29/2006
Yeah im totally crying right now. I hated the ending at first but then when Eian came back as Byran it just seemed to fit really sweetly into place. I've always liked the idea of soul mates, but always thought that there would be some sort of sacrifice you would have to make to earn it, even if you got the chance to have a soul mate. Perhaps that's why i like this story so much ]. It is completely unique. I just love it to death and can't wait to read the sequel (yayness).
Dee chapter 22 . 7/7/2006
OMG I HATE this ending, I have been crying for the past five minutes. How could you do this to me. It is such a beautiful story and I was expect a happily ever after, can't it have like an alternate ending or something for me PLEASE.
Bedlam Chaos chapter 12 . 5/3/2006
Hello... I'm reading his story and I still like Kyle. I'm also a french speaker so my english is very bad _. Your french is OK but the name "Amarante" is a bit strange. I never heard it before. For me it was only a color...
sosad chapter 22 . 12/24/2005
That was real beautiful I just wish that it had ended... well happier ya know. I know that he will eventually move on but.. man I don't like sad ending and this was a truly great story but now I am sad. well bye and it was a nice read.
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