Reviews for The Unlikelihood Of Cabbages
Tafkae chapter 3 . 6/26/2003
Nih... cabbage... there's nothing like a story about a couple of weirdos living under the same roof, there really isn't. _ Me likey! Make more!
izure chapter 3 . 5/14/2003
Im really enjoying this story. I think you must have had fun writing it! I hope there's more to come!
piper chapter 3 . 5/3/2003
i want the cabbages to talk back sometime! haha, this is very nice, keep going!
Hadou Ken 24 chapter 3 . 4/23/2003
I like it. Not as funny as some stuff I've read, but still very humorous.

I just wish I didn't relate so well with Nox. . . .

About the only constructive criticism I can think of off the top of my head is that "their" should be "they're" in "their cannibalistic, you know."
Kye Syr chapter 3 . 4/22/2003
.skullbasher. I like it. Lemme see...I love Teelen- very interesting character, reminds me of people I know. I like how he's progressed in this chapter. You're quite good at characters.

It's funny, my friend and I were wondering whether the cabbages would start talking back. Hey, fine by me. Why shouldn't they?

It would be nice if you gave your chapters a once-over before you post- there were a couple typos that wouldn't have been caught with a spellchecker. Other than that very very very minor detail, I love this story and I Want To Read More.

Tafkae chapter 2 . 4/9/2003
This is a great story. Really funny! Personally, I think you ought to leave the kitten thing in. Y'know, for that little extra degree of absurdity.

This one's going on my favorites _
Kye Syr chapter 2 . 4/9/2003
keep the kittens! not that I don't like cats. I adore them. But that line cracked me up. I'm not in the least bit disappointed by this chapter. It's still amusing, possibly even better written, and I wish it were a book so I could buy it and read the whole thing rather than waiting around for chapters. Excellent stuff, this. Onward, onward!

Kye Syr
Kye Syr chapter 1 . 4/9/2003
congrats. you can write.

I really like this intro, especially considering some of the junk I had to sort through to find a read-worthy story. This isn't junk. This is highly amusing. I like Nox loads, and his cabbages too, and the goblins. Everything, basically. I definitely will read on, since this is very fun and doesn't have blatant, numerous, wince-worthy editing errors. A lovely start. I like your name, too.

kye syr
midoriturtle chapter 2 . 4/9/2003
Cute story. I like how you're portraying 'typical' fantasy cliches from the viewpoint of someone who doesn't particularly care about them.
Canaria Soandsona chapter 1 . 4/8/2003
Yes, I DID make up that name of the spur of the moment. How nice of you to notice.

Anyway, the pixies. Mwahaha. Spoons and sealing wax and, er...poopyhead. Yeah. Needless to say, you saved up your creativity and used it on something beneficial to the story instead of wasting it on a magical kingdom that would be a stereotype anyway. Very wise of you. I applaud the action.

Oh, yes... I loved the introduction where you oh so carefully explained that you would not be original.

I think you've really got something here.

And I think that cabbages are unappreciated too, but I also think that Nox's PS was just inviting trouble. A head on denial causes people to compulsively disagree with you.

But then, his sister would probably disagree anyway, no matter what he did.

He's an awfully interesting unlucky fellow...
Dragonsbane chapter 1 . 4/8/2003
I really did enjoy this story. Sorry that I can't provide a constructive review .. I really saw no flaws with this story! Though I can say that your variety of word-use and extensive vocabulary was worked very well into the context. It was also easy to make generalizations about the characters' overall personalities from the beginning - very well done. Very original, please keep up the good work!
E. Griega chapter 1 . 4/7/2003
Hey, this is really great! It did start off a little choppy in the beginning, but it smoothed out quite nicely. Can't wait for more to come.