Reviews for In Spite Of The World
Alenor chapter 23 . 6/10/2006
heya, this is a brilliant story, cya later.
BreathinPoetryRomanceLife chapter 16 . 10/24/2005
Have I ever told you this is the best story on FP?
blackbirdfly chapter 22 . 1/29/2005
ahh! this was a tragically great story. the ending was my fave when she calls her dad. it's really good. a new revolution! i loved it. i got so into how Cam was, and would she be okay, and worrying about matt... *sighs*... good job!
pendelynn chapter 23 . 7/1/2003
great story you really get a feel for the characters when your reading it loved this story and now I'm on to the sequal!
oniyasha chapter 23 . 6/29/2003
thats good but are u going to have a squeal b/c the ending makes u anticapate more
oniyasha chapter 22 . 6/22/2003
hey not bad
EmNight87 chapter 22 . 6/22/2003
We! I love this story! It's awesome! I can't wait for more! I read the author's note for chapter 22, so a comment on that: You haven't gotten out of school yet? Jeeze mine ended exactly a month ago! I'm truly sorry for you.
eee-vawn chapter 22 . 6/22/2003
Your story's good and there's no denying that. I never knew you were in the eighth's good that you are graduating, huh. N e ways your story's my favorite out of alot that I read.
o0ValD0o chapter 21 . 6/16/2003
Yup, just filler! But that's ok...Here's the hug you wanted! *hugs u tight* :)
MournfulAria nsi chapter 21 . 6/16/2003
Sweet chapter.
Fearless-Sweep-Gurl chapter 21 . 6/16/2003
update soon!
o0ValD0o chapter 20 . 6/14/2003
i really like your story, please keep writing more and more and more...etc.!
Melima8788 chapter 20 . 6/13/2003
oy...this is a beautifully written work of art. I have been wanting to write something like this for the longest time. My favorite kind of the romance is sweet hugs and kisses, not steamy-in-the-bedroom-doing-more-than-sleepy-snuggling. Shirts are on, pants are zipped, it's all chicken & gravy..:) Great job, keep up the work! Hope the next chapter comes soon. one thing however; what was the point of the neck injury? You didn't follow up on it, so it seemed to just be in there. On eo fhte things I find irritating in stories is when what could possibly be a pivotal moment is just thrown in there; it's like suspense in a bad horror movie, keeps you on your toes, but nothing happens. Anyways, hope to see the next chapter soon. Good luck!
Fearless-Sweep-Gurl chapter 19 . 6/13/2003
update soon!
michelle chapter 1 . 6/13/2003
hey you are an amzing writer keep it up i'm waiting for an update please do it fast
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