Reviews for Dreams in Time
Bluy chapter 1 . 8/30/2004
I like your concept of dreams. Although I would like to add that a dream can be considered as a place to escape to, but that's besides the point. I love your poem, please write more. -D
Akuhei no Kisaki chapter 1 . 5/6/2004
Fabulous job for a piece with a rhyme scheme. Your meter was off on one of the lines, but other than that, this poem is flawless. It's hard to use extremely descriptive language effectively in poetry, at least for me it is, but you seemingly manage to pull it off with ease. Beautiful work.
Kakarrina chapter 1 . 5/11/2003
Wow...I'm impressed with the sheer number of perspectives you squeezed in here. The optimists, the pessimists, and everything inbetween are all in there. You're do need to read this poem more than once. It's the least it deserves. I love poems like this...meaning the poems that practically demand for you to think about what they mean. Bravo. Like always...ii desu ne! Keep on truckin' Kamiru.