Reviews for A Bedtime Story |
Casey Drake chapter 4 . 2/17/2005 huh. interesting. a little confusing. |
Johnny Univers chapter 4 . 4/14/2004 Wow, This story is killer. It had me hooked from right when i started. I liked the characters alot and the way it flows. I cant wait to see how it ends. |
MystyTaurus chapter 4 . 7/2/2003 dude, i'm astonished. That was so awsome! I NEVER would have guessed that her story was real! I'm rather lucky, cuz I can understand things people normally might be confused about. Like, I'm sure lots of people are confused after reading your story. But I LOVE things like this! So, I'm guessing, to sum it up, that Alia was part of a magical group of something, and Xavier is a prophecy? Or something. All I have to say is COOL! I love surprising things like this. I thought it was normal story time. Maybe, if I was in my right mind, would I have guessed that she was telling Xavier's story, but you caught me off-gaurd. GOOD job! I'm rambling again! AH! The dreaded rambler! I'm so hyper! I save your mind and shut up. Keep writing! SMILE! |
child-dragon chapter 4 . 6/21/2003 *twitches* No... more! How'd she know the story? What prophecy? Argh! This is one of the few stories that really got me to keep reading, wanting to see what happens next. I'd suggest seperating the paragraphs a bit more, me glasses make reading on the computer a bit hard when it's all scrunched up like that. |
MystyTaurus chapter 3 . 5/19/2003 SWEET! I'm guessing it's just her husband. But nice cliffhanger! It's getting very interesting. And, so you have names for the kids and husband, just pick random names, Bob, Rick, Charly, ect. ect. ect. SMILE! |
MystyTaurus chapter 2 . 5/7/2003 I'm like those little children... MORE! I need stories like this to survive! I am a Readintondiacs, a rare case, only found in readers. So that's BS, who cares? A few laughs for me. Wrtie soon, please *nice pleasent voice. NOW! SMILE! |
MystyTaurus chapter 1 . 5/7/2003 Hey, that was incredible. I kind of wished the story stayed with the sword dude, he was awsome, and angry, and handsome... Anyway, I thought was great, I'll read more SOON! Thanx for reveiwing my story, but I'm sure you couldn't have liked it THAT much. Truth to be told, I have about fifty more chapters on paper, it's the problem of typing it up (hint: I'm lazy). So, keep up with the good work. SMILE! |
Kemosabi Obs chapter 1 . 4/27/2003 WHERE IS THIS GOING! Ahgg... *Frustration* Is very good! I just want to know what the heck is going on! Or, what WILL happen? *sniffle* Please, Continue! MOREMOREMOREMORE! |