Reviews for A Lesson Learned in Time
Thomas Paxton chapter 1 . 11/20/2005
I was lead to your work by my friend Mr. Nova, and it is true that his praise of your work is not misplaced.

Excellent writing, with a wonderful style, and a format broken with a chorus that rings true for all of us.

Overall, excellent piece. You should think more highly of your work, or play rather, as your profile mentions.
sinner saint chapter 1 . 8/10/2004
I found this story very touching, it was just beautiful. I've read some of your fanfictions, and never realised you did originals too! I think you should do more originals because you are a fantastic author. This is one of the few short stories that has managed to touch me. Keep it up!
Hyperion's Wielder chapter 1 . 12/4/2003
I don't understand why you don't think you're good at non-Final Fantasy VI stories. This was just as good as them, really. It was so...touching. Honestly, I loved it.
Vick330 chapter 1 . 6/17/2003
I remember when I read this the first time, I found it very touching, and the simple style well suited to the subject matter. It is true that there are people who leave their mark on us, and in their own way open our eyes, even though we don't realize it at the time. Not only a beautiful piece, but also one who makes you think.
Spirit Lovelorn chapter 1 . 5/22/2003
It's amazing how much a short phrase uttered by a person can have so much of an impact years later. Mr. Yoder's lesson is still with you, and this is such a touching tribute to both him and those lost in both the Challenger and Columbia tragedies.

~Ruse Oneiros (better known as Spirit Lovelorn on
Ifalna chapter 1 . 5/12/2003
This piece is just stunningly beautiful. You are one of the few truly talented writers who can evoke intense emotion in me through your writing. Whatever you do please do not stop writing, and please, please consider writing a novel... to waste talent like this is an affront to the Divine.
Optical Goddess chapter 1 . 5/12/2003
sniff, that made me cry too. That was just like poetry. I like those nifty little copyrights at the bottom of the original fics!
RobertDogwood chapter 1 . 5/11/2003
You already know that I was very moved by this, but I will now tell everyone else. This to me is what writing should be - a sharing of yourself and hopefully helping someone realize something they knew on a subconscious level but had never realized. I'm very happy and proud of you that you posted this and I hope you will post more originals. It's how we all grow as writers, I believe, although your growth has been astounding and mine is plodding we're both getting better. In about one hundred years I should catch up with you.
yunalesca78 chapter 1 . 5/11/2003
Amazing how those little statements come back to you, ya?

Anyway...that was beautiful, and very touching. I think you captured a lot of people's thoughts and feelings about those days, the Challenger and the Columbia. I hope to see more of your originals, plus of course your fanfics. :-)
Refugee chapter 1 . 5/11/2003
Actually, it's excellent. It takes me back in time to when the Challenger blew up. Amazingly, a teacher said almost those exact words to our class.

Isn't if funny how someone can say something to you, and you don't understand it. Then years later, some event occurs. After not thinking about this person in years, much less about what they said, their voice comes back to you. And suddenly you do understand. Anyways, enough babbling. Take care of yourself Ashbear. Hope to read more of anything that you write, and soon.