Reviews for abortion, my views
flawlessangel08 chapter 2 . 4/26/2008
I like your way of thinking, although it is murder of some sort we cannot control others actions, to do so whould also be wrong.

Although it is murder I dont believe it is fair to ilegalise abortion. Adoption does not work at all and many children are in orphanages or unwanted. We need a solution meaning the day after pill free for teenagers and suppiled in every district. Abortion should have to be used less regularly. And there should be less teenagers giving birth as there is already enough children in the need a good,proper solution which is not adoption or abortion.
Rach chapter 2 . 3/11/2005
HI!. I don't agree with abortion full stop espically if the reason is because the child won't be 'normal' (I'm disabled myself but that's because I was born too early) I ask you has anyone asked a disabled whether they would have wanted to be aboted.

despite that though I can see why some people would chose to abort their like if they've been raped (though that is very rare) or a teenage pregney.

but I still don't agree with it though I'm just saying that I can see the other side of the coin.

anyway good work on this essay

see ya
melody mama chapter 2 . 3/10/2005
Wow, you packed more information than I ever could into that. Very interesting literature. But I will always stand for the babies. How can anyone take the lives of the innocent children. Guess what, to everyone who reads this, you were once an embryo too. And the idea that you would abort your baby because they had a disaility or are differen or less than perfect absolutely disgusts me. As a human being with a disability, I can't even begin to tell you how much that upsets me. And the topic of a woman who is wraped. Ok, bad things happen in life, again, I can relate, but we can't just run from all of them. What does that teach us? Hasn't anyone ever been told, life isn't always fare. We have to just keep going. Please check out my posting, The Right Decision. Its written to address the topic of abortion.
me chapter 2 . 3/10/2005
I believe the term "pro-choice" refers to the mother's right to chose what happens to her body, not whether abortion is morally acceptable. I only make this point because I am pro-choice, but would never in a million years have an abortion myself. I think the same way about gay marraige; it doesn't apply to me, so I have no right to chose for another person. But that is way off the subject, sorry. You kind of half address this point at the end of both essays, but you could, if you want to, devote an entire paragraph to it. Just a thought.
me chapter 1 . 3/10/2005
Very good. You made excellent points and I agree with you completely. I read a book about abortion, and interestingly enough, it is something like 5 times safer to get an abortion in a hospital than to give birth in a hospital. So, that is another fact to go along with "the mother's life is in danger" argument. I'm not 100% sure about that figure though; it was a slightly dated book, so this is purely heresay. But there you go.
LittleRevolution chapter 1 . 3/10/2005
*Is stunned by quality of this essay* Um...ROCK ON! ;)Seriously though, well done! This is a superb, well thought out piece of work, and I can sense you were verycareful about equally representing both sides of the argument. I was very impressed with your mention of selective termination, as I've never heard anyone on either side of the fence address that particular issue. Pro-lifers, come save the poor multiple fetuses... Or feti? ;)10/10, and you've made me even rouder to be pro-choice than I was five minutes ago. ;)
Stories-have-souls chapter 1 . 2/21/2005
You used a lot of arguments and the research is good. I also agree with you entirely. It is the pregnant woman who gets to choose.
AlleyKatGV chapter 1 . 7/4/2004
Yes, there are many different views on this topic, and many people are eager to share these views. But this is a sight where we critique the writing isn't it? Not where we critisize other peoples views. I like how you showed both sides of the argurment although you may want to research a little more carefully because I am pro-life and had never heard many of the reason's you were describing. Yes, it was a little biased but from what I could tell this was an essay where you showed both sides yet still got to voice your opinion and I think you did that quite well. You may want to watch how you word things because it was a little confusing at times. Other than that I think it was well written. Good job!
Smarts chapter 1 . 1/19/2004
Very good writting and very good... i don't know what to say... use of sources? I didn't know what side you were on until I read the last paragraph. I think that it was exelent to write showing both sides of the story and trying to be unbiased until the time arrive (at the end). I also found it kind of confusing when you were explaining about selective termination. I really don't understand what you were trying to tell the readers. It seems like your reminding us what it is about without telling us.
Now, about what you belive... pro-choice. I am a pro-life and belive totally differant from you. Of course, i would like to write about it, but I must leave my computer now.
Formerly chapter 1 . 1/7/2004
Hm... looking through older essays, I noted a particularly fervent pro-life argument in one of your reviews. Allow me to attemt to refute.
Indeed, the child, foetus, or whatever you like to call it is alive. So are ants, cows, and spiders. Yet we kill all of these and more with impunity, if for different reasons.
I don't believe that the mere fact of being physically or biologically human makes you superior to animals, but I do believe that most adults are better, in a way, than any animal. I believe this is because of human memory, the capacity to look towards the future, and perhaps most importantly the ability to create art.
A foetus has none of these abilities, and though biologically human is not really any different from a baby animal. Note that I eat beef and chicken, and don't really feel bad for the animal. Thus I believe that though some may feel that it's wrong to kill anything (I mean, there are, after all, vegetarians) and in fact have some justification, all arguments proposing that a human is inherently, from conception, superior to other living things are religiously biased.
You should be able to easily gather from this reply that I am pro-choice. I believe that though a human is from conception Homo Sapiens and alive, this doesn't make them immediate persons, rather "potential" persons, thus abortion isn't taking away, but not giving them a chance. I also believe that as long as someone never got the chance to be a person, taking away the opportunity does not hurt anyone except the mother... and if the mother wants to, not only is it not harmful, but benefits all.
Ja ne,
Max Krugman
LadyAnesta chapter 1 . 8/1/2003
i'm torn. i don't think it is far to "terminate" a baby who is innocent, but on the other hand it wouldn't be far to the child if not brought up in a loving envirerment...i would have to say i lean more to pro-life though... anyways that was a really well-written essay! i hope you got an A! :)

PainKiller chapter 1 . 7/15/2003
You definantely did you research on this gem of an essay. Yes, it was biased, but how many people can really say that when they write an essay, they are perfectly neutral?

However... having said that, I am pro-life, not pro-choice. You know what you do when you get pregnant? You have the kid, and give it up for adoption, unless you can really handle the responsibility. I believe that God gave that baby the gift of life, and you ending it is murder, straight-up. I don't care about how "it isn't really murder". Really? Then why isn't he alive?

Sorry. This is a well-written essay, one you should be proud of. But I do harshly disagree with you.
Ahhh chapter 1 . 6/7/2003
Okay the thing that disgusts me most about your essay is that you don't even try to justify the fact that many feel that a baby growing in the womb is alive. That doesn't matter to you? Excluding rape because just so you know having an abortion because of a rape is rare. Most don't concieve when they are raped. It is a small precentage. The fact remains that many of these women were careless didn't take the right birth control methods and now decide well hey oops my mistake i'll just kill the kid. Obviously the main differing opinion with prolife and prochoice advocates is their belief in the fact that a fetus is living or not. You don't even really put that in your essay. It's not a fucking child's fault that the mother was stupid and got pregnant and i'm sorry to tell you but that is usually how it happens. Don't try to deny it. And many children were unplanned that were born and I bet if you were to ask each and every one of them would you have rather of never of been born the VERY large majority of them would say YES I'm glad I was born!
Tiefling chapter 1 . 5/26/2003
I think that first pro-life argument you listed is ridiculous (I mean they're being ridiculous, not you) because the focus should be on harm minimisation. I also happen to think that drug use should be decriminalised.

The 'handicap' argument is a tricky one. Sometimes women seek abortions as a knee jerk reaction before they have had time to get over the shock of being told their baby will have special needs, when they may not yet have had time to fully absorb the information. I heard a woman on television say that she aborted her Downs Syndrome baby because she didn't want a child who would be a 'vegetable'. My cousin, who has downs syndrome is a beautiful 25 year old with a great sense of humour who works in a bank- certainly no vegetable! I don't think anyone had explained to this woman what Down's Syndrome meant. I have even heard of women aborting foetuses because the child would have had a hare lip (a very minor facial deformity that can be corrected with stitches). Parents need to be fully informed about the supposed handicap their baby will have and make a considered decision about whether this is really important.

The rape argument is a good one. It isn't fair to expect a woman to carry and give birth to a child who will remind her of something so horrible if she doesn't want to. On the other hand, the abortion itself can be a traumatic event, which may add to her suffering. I think that probably needs to be dealt with on a case by case basis. I think I side with pro-choice there.

This is a good essay and you've obviously done your research. It's a little biased though, and you haven't really talked about the major pro-life objection (ie. they believe that abortion is always wrong because it kills a baby- you could discuss whether you think it really counts as alive yet or not etc.). Also, I find that the option of adoption is often flippantly disregarded in these discussions. It is a perfectly viable option for a woman with an unwanted pregnancy, which may be more beneficial to all parties than abortion (it's free, it doesn't kill the foetus, it doesn't involve the same health risks and it gives a childless couple the chance of parenthood), and I would think that if you are pro choice you would want women to have as many options as possible.
Kelpylion chapter 1 . 5/21/2003
To review your essay, first of all: It is very well written. You state your arguments and back them up very excellent essay.

I almost completely disagree with you, though...There are certain conditions under which an abortion is definitely the best thing for both the mother and child, like rape, a pregnancy that endangers the mother's life (especially if it would orphan the baby) or is truly unfit to raise a child (with severe mental or physical disability or illness.) Also, there should be a provision for girls under the legal age of consent (which would make it statutory rape anyway, in most places.) Or is married to a sexually abusive husband (another case in which I'd consider it rape.)

Still, aside from any theological views, it is not a healthy society where one's behavior does not have consequences. I'm not saying it's wrong for young women to be having sex, but there are ways for them to avoid pregnancy, not 100%, but at least enough so that there is a smaller margin of 'error.' And , if a girl makes that descision, she should consider whether she is responsible enough to handle the consequences. I know you'll probably get 100 different variations of this argument, but I just thought I might as well state my case...Very good essay, though.
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