Reviews for Sabine Woman |
Anon chapter 1 . 3/22/2020 Hey, someone recommended this to me so I think I'll give it a try. So sad that the author's dead (rest in peace their soul), but it's quite nice that their work remains here |
Thorn chapter 46 . 7/31/2019 Read this amazing story, well written. Some of the readers are upset due to the nature of this story. You were warn by the author. To my knowledge if you were in this situation what would you do? The main character Scribe, a shy and lonely individual with limited prospective of being courted and settled for living a life as handmaiden for her family. She did not want to be taken, some readers are caught with her age and weight. The truth to be told this was a better outcome for Scribe, before readers get emotional about my reasoning this is a story. Jerry absolutely a bastard, but he did slowly change a bit, and he could have left her with a baby. He came back for her. |
Kflyintodasky chapter 46 . 7/15/2017 As a woman, this story was actually good. You had in-deepth characters that held real emotion. I do not know why sooo many people are butt-hurt because of this fiction. Take your over emotional, wannabe feminist ass somewhere else because you read the summary the same as I did, and if you wanted to, you could've just stopped reading the story. I don't condone rape or kidnapping; however, Scribe made her choice in the end. And there are so many stories that happen like this in 2017 USA for Pete's sake. |
gigi chapter 46 . 2/16/2017 OMG. You can never love a person who raped and forced pregnancy on you. The main character was brainwashed into accepting her rapist. Their relationship is poisonous and very disgusting. May the writer rest in peace but sorry her work represents rape, forced pregnancy and stolkholm syndrome into accepting the rapist as her husband is very disgusting. Rape survivors are the bravest who go through hell in regaining their life back and even dealing with forced pregnancies due to the aftermath of rape. No one should accept the rapist who thinks he can take what he wants though rape and forced pregnancy. :( |
sarah chapter 46 . 2/16/2017 Wow. So any woman who is shy, lonely and think they have nothing to offer anyone should be thankful that they are raped and have forced pregnancy. I am mortified that people think like that now these days. I don't care if the writer who wrote this is dead or alive. This work represents rape culture and forced impregnation plus stolkholm syndrome. Women are human beings who suffered by rape culture even now in 2017. Just because the writer is dead doesnot mean her work represent right human values. This entire work is based on very unhealthy and sick relatinship without consent. Even now in some countries women are forced to marry their rapists. This rape culture needs to end. |
Olivia chapter 46 . 2/2/2017 This not a HEA story, where boy meet girl. This story is raw, and not for the faint of heart. You either love it or hated it. That the beauty of this author gift. Having re-read this story I will admitted with out emotional outburst this author wrote a hell of a tale. Yes she is kidnap, threatened, and force. But I could understand why she gradually made the decision in accepting this person into her life. We cannot forget she was a very lonely, shy, woman who felt she had noting to offer anyone. If any woman was in this situation would we not do the same. That is the question. Well done Scribe Mozell , who's true name is Fannie Feazell, Made you rest in peace. Yes the author died in 2014. Thank you for gifting this story and others to the public. |
soha chapter 46 . 9/30/2016 Wtf? Rape is not romantic. This asshole abducted and constantly raped and forced pregnancy on a woman. Shame on you for romantisizing rape. Its a very vile and violant act men use against women. I was utterly disgusted and mortified reading this. Very unhealthy and stolkholm syndrome kind of twisted relationship. |
guest chapter 46 . 9/29/2016 Wow. Talk about stalkholm syndrome and rape culture. Now all the rapists got to do is abduct a woman and rape her till she loves them back. Hell maybe they will get married too. |
Dorian chapter 32 . 3/14/2015 To the readers of this story. The author Fannie Feazell (Scribe Mozell) died March 2014. There are some who have a problem with this story, and author. Grow the hell up! The fact Ms. Feazell can make you feel so much emotion is how a talented author draw the readers into her story. |
Guest chapter 32 . 2/14/2015 If it wasn't for the publishing date, i'd say you based this rapist on Ariel Castro. Life plus a thousand years behind bars is what he got, escaping the death penalty only because he pled guilty. That there are people out there who would favourite this fucked up 'deliverance' shit is too sad for words. This piece of stomach-turning pulp has no redeeming features at all. Shame on you for writing it, you disgrace. |
chrissysam chapter 46 . 1/6/2015 I loved this! |
chrissysam chapter 43 . 1/6/2015 She found an hidden Bellewood? |
Swurlygirl chapter 46 . 1/5/2015 At first my stomach cringed after reading chapter 3. I actually decided I couldn't read anymore after he inspected her 'virtue.' I finally came back to this story maybe like after a couple of months, like I had to mentally and emotionally prepare myself to read the impending abuse. I was just mad for her, even up to chapter 34 "Paper Work." I held oto my sense of justice and retribution due for Scribe longer than she did. Ugh! I really liked the story,superbly written, but she was kidnapped and raped... and the guy responsible got a "Free Pass," because SHE fell in love with him. In general, great writing, the whole shebang, but (isn't there always) I kind of feel let down somehow, the right of it all. Yeah, she DID have a lonely miserable life, but I don't know, how she was 'forced' into her new one still rattles me. This story will make a great book club topic. |
LetMeWonder chapter 46 . 1/2/2015 This was adorable and had a fantastic ending. |
Guest chapter 2 . 12/28/2014 Good story |