Reviews for Welcome to Camp Hell
Jaded Breeze chapter 5 . 6/28/2003
First off I LOVE Avril Lavigne! Shes so great! And if you want me to bite you then, bend over and spread! lol

Second. The stories pretty good. You just comment ALOT on it. But other than that happy writing!
Rhys chapter 5 . 6/27/2003
You're sick! This is just unnatural and wrong and...

...hehe, just kidding. All those warnings, I just couldn't resist. Anyway, denouncing slash would be a bit hypocritical of me, since I've got two of my own going.

I love this! You have a great sense of humor, and its very well written. I want more! Fastly!
Slim chapter 5 . 6/22/2003
Aww.. *cries* If that happened to me, I'd shoot myself. . (They really did that at your camp? o.O;;)

Cute, though.. I like the long chapters. (hint hint .~) Write more soon!

R.F. Elffib chapter 1 . 6/22/2003
Yep, happy. And -you're- the one with the title of "Bitch", unless you want another title. I can come up with one, I'm really sure...

::smiles sweetly and slaps Set's shoulder as revenge::
Arkn Shadow chapter 5 . 6/21/2003
Another nice chapter _ cept for that part about lestat...::growls low with army of penguins behind him all dressed in black with frozen fish bats:: i think we're gonna have to visit him...well after i'm done getting rid of the compatition i'll be back to read the next chapter _

As always,

R.F. Elffib chapter 5 . 6/21/2003
Tee hee! You screweded up on this one, baka! "-Joker- is one, queen two, king three, ace four, and joker five."

HA! ::dances around Set like a freak chanting:: You're an idiot, you're an idiot.

No glomping me!

::scoops up the Set puddle in a jug and looks at her:: I know, in'n Lestat just -awesome-? Ilovehimlovehimlovehim! It's not -fair-! Everyone that I find attractive isn't -real-! ::pitches a fit, making Set spill everywhere::

...It's that hard to use a bow and arrow? I never had that much trouble. When I had the toys, I always managed to hit AK in the head. ::smiles sweetly::

Um. Yeah. Ok. Post another soon. And tell Mr. Snuggles that I'm sorry for screwin' his name up.
indecisivepunk chapter 5 . 6/20/2003
ha... Travis is becoming gay! I'm so proud of him!
meepingfloozy chapter 1 . 6/20/2003
Whee! This is great!
Arkn Shadow chapter 4 . 6/20/2003
Another great chapter i love it _ add more soon pwease? (').(') I thought i'd review because i don't need another incident...last time he gnawed my face remember everyone no review Mr. Snuggles Bai bai face...

Slim chapter 4 . 6/20/2003
Aww.. That was pretty. *bounce* I can't wait until you update again.. This is moving along at a comfortable pace. I love it!

R.F. Elffib chapter 4 . 6/20/2003
::chuckles and pets Mr. Giggles, trying to avoid getting her hand gnawed off:: So you're going to unite Kier and Trav? Dammit, I was hoping that Trav was straight. Be my boyfriend when Jay and I are done. Unless, of course, Iggy wants to date me _. Though... that might not work out, seein' as he's dead an' all...
Squeegee chapter 4 . 6/19/2003
aw, why not more now? i wanna read more of your story, i love it! it's really intersting, i used to go to camp and this remineds me about it a lot. except funnier. keep up the good work. adios!
indecisivepunk chapter 4 . 6/19/2003
heh... funny. I can't wait to see Travis start to like Kier
Arkn Shadow chapter 3 . 6/19/2003
I love the story precious. _ (even though you thought i wouldn't like it _) Keep writing it _ its got your humor in it, which i love, and the characters are great. _ add the next chapter soon, will you? _

Squeegee chapter 3 . 6/15/2003
I absolutly love your story. it's cute and you characters are great. please coninute soon, i wanna read more. thanx! adios.
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