Reviews for Roman Enlightenment
sweet chapter 10 . 12/22/2018
love it i hope you have more late timey style stories great writing
DeathlyIceMaiden chapter 10 . 1/22/2016
What a mess. So much to be learned and explained about modern technology considering he is ancient ( d$#% near at least).
chloe chapter 10 . 8/3/2014
Oh god. How old IS Mozelle anyway? Just curious. I guess this story is abandoned since you haven't updated in eight years. But in the event it does happen I'd like to know.
P.s Great story! I finished the first part as well as this in under five hours. You really should continue it.
Mike chapter 10 . 7/5/2014
I love this story and its predecessor! You are such a talented writer, and this story you've crafted is so unique and original. Thanks for sharing your work and I hope that you will continue with it someday.
R. Ficst chapter 2 . 4/4/2014

I came back for a re-read, both the first book and this one.
Enjoying it just as much the second time around. :)

Interesting tidbit, I have actually been in a McDonalds in Paris, France, with wine on the menu - one red, one white. I believe they also had a couple of beer choices, but I'm not entirely sure.
leavesfallingup chapter 10 . 12/2/2013
I found this story while browsing through the site. Then I went back to read the first story. I'm not a fan of M-rated stories, though yours was well-written and conceptualized. Now I've re-read the first ten chapters of this and it reminded me why I got hooked in the first place. Time travel stories can be cheesy, but yours avoids that well. The only issue that throws me off is how well he seems to understand English. That part might be a bit far-fetched.

Still, I really hope that you'll pick this story up again and finish it. Thanks.
AboutAs SubtleAs A FlyingBrick chapter 4 . 7/29/2013
How old is Mozelle? I thought she'd be in her twenties like Lupus but she seems to be older than 35. Nothing's wrong with that but it feels weird to read. Ew, cougar.
RandomCitizen chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
Im loving this. :D Guilt trip time!
Sarah chapter 10 . 11/27/2012
OMG! I love yur sequel! Glad you made one! Lookig forward to your updates!
R. Ficst chapter 10 . 11/5/2012
Oh dear, I seem to have run into the issue I feared with the first book, here. Any chance you are coming back to finish this? You would win my undying affections!

Very much enjoyed, and I do wish I could read the rest of their tale. I Love Lupus' culture shock and the way their relationship is finally balancing.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/1/2012
Keep going please it's really good
anonamama chapter 10 . 5/16/2012
Hi! When will you update the story of Lupus and Mozell?
sneaky-fox chapter 10 . 3/20/2012
come back! please please please finish this story! I'm so in love with Lupus :)
Jenny-A chapter 10 . 11/8/2011
I'm liking this :)
DorkExpress chapter 10 . 8/29/2011
Love it! And poor guy, he's stuck and isn't going to see hus little brothers anymore. Well. His mom was a witch and that Celsus dude was a phycho! Anyways, I hope you write another chapter soon!

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