Reviews for It's A Pirate's Life For Me
Juliet Scar chapter 24 . 7/23/2012
Ahhhhh! I love this story! You did such a amazing job! I know that you may not even use fictionpress anymore and that really makes me EXTREMELY sad because you're sooooo talented! You should write a book on this story! Except, it'd probably have to be a bit longer but you should! Or even just write a book with a new story! Awwwwww... This is the moment I pray that one day, somehow, Fictionpress pops up in your mind and you see all the wonderful things people say! And possibly take their honest advice (wink wink)? GREAT JOB!
Juliet Scar chapter 9 . 7/22/2012
Pshhhhh, 88 reviews? This deserves, like 5... GAZILLION! Just in case you read that wrong... I meant FIVE GAZZILLION! If it were me reading that previous sentence I would of been like "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?" but I'm just really bad at getting certain things! Ahhhhhhhh! I'm only on chapter nine but I already know this is going to be an AMAZING story! My cheeks hurt! Just in case you read that wrong... IT'S BECAUSE I BEEN SMILING AT THE SCREEN FOR A WHILE! But you probably read it right... Well, I'm just in love with this story!
zephyrlionheart chapter 24 . 5/28/2011
Wonderful story, my only tick is the format made this story difficult to read, (you almost lost me in the beginning to the format! Glad I stuck around?) and the occasional spelling error. I'd go back and just get all of this into proper paragraphs, and you're likely to keep getting readers, no matter how old this story is.
The10thWeasley chapter 1 . 7/2/2004
I reviewed this story a long time ago, I see you haven't updated in a long time. I feel ya, sistah. Anyways, I was reading your recent reviews and I noticed that the "Thantex" or whatever person who was really "Amme1212" really flamed your story. Don't pay any attention to her, she's just a #$%& ! I mean, really, there is a perfect example of someone with no life. I'm beginning to wonder if that was some kind of joke, because it doesn't seem like anybody would really be that mean! If it wasn't a joke, you should really report her. Seriously. Anyways, good luck with the story if you're still working on it, otherwise, good riddance. And don't let Amme1212 under your skin. F her.
Silverleaf chapter 24 . 6/11/2004
GREAT STORY! i realy liked it. Keep writing .
GrungeIsDead chapter 19 . 4/13/2004
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! You nkow all those bad reviews? By 'ThenextSimon' They were mine. I know I said I liked it before, but I read it over and I have realized how much I dislike it. Take it off fictionpress!
No Life chapter 24 . 3/21/2004
I absolutlly love this story.
Hazel of the Eyes chapter 24 . 10/25/2003
Amme1212 chapter 24 . 10/24/2003
That was absolutely wonderful. This story was absolutely AMAZING! The first part of this paragraph was confusing, but i figured it out. You are a born writer. As I say, Keep writing! You have enormous potential.


Keep writing!
Lady of romance world88 chapter 23 . 10/23/2003
Hey!Keep update read my story
Hazel of the Eyes chapter 20 . 10/10/2003
well well well
crazygurlhyper13 chapter 22 . 10/8/2003
Well that was an interesting twist. Hmm, didn't see that coming. And I thought I was the queen of confusing my readers. Write more please. ~Emerald
Amme1212 chapter 22 . 10/6/2003

Poor Conall! Make him alright! Poor poor Conall! GO ANWEN! GO GO GO ANWEN!
jenesis4 chapter 21 . 9/27/2003
Update! I have an idea of what might happen but you never know! Well, you do.
Kirika Moonshadow chapter 21 . 9/25/2003
*dies* I LOVE THis STORY! Please update soon! And I'm sorry I haven't review the last few chapters..I read them though! They all rock, and I can't wait for the next chapter.
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