Reviews for Over the Rainbow
PET chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
You should've given a warning for something like rape, because not all reader enjoys reading that kind of thing.
And with those explicit sex scenes, we call it yaoi, not shounen-ai.
Man, I felt like reading some cheesy porn.
EPuppy chapter 21 . 10/4/2013
This was omg very tearful lovely cute sweet please sequel! I need it
vcdwhite chapter 6 . 9/20/2013
Hi, sorry but it's kind of distracting when you're reading a story with poor grammar and wrong i hope that you would re-write this story and have someone edit your work. I would love to read on this story further when it's been fixed. The plot is actually good, it's just the grammar and spellings that are are lacking :)
vcdwhite chapter 2 . 9/20/2013
I hate to say that some of the grammar is not good and spellings should be checked twice. Cause its kind of hard to keep reading when you have to second guess the meaning. :)
Fumiki chapter 21 . 6/3/2011

You SHOULD make a sequel! Make Jay realized his actual feeling towards Misha! Poor Misha, he deserved so much better ending than this! P Please sequel!
buddy.redgum chapter 5 . 3/21/2009
FYI they also sell oreos in australia... loving the story btw! good job XDD
Back of Beyond chapter 21 . 3/11/2007
amazing story, but so sad :( im so gutted misha and jay never got together...

i still have hope that you will eventually write a sequel though!
mylittlechangingtruths chapter 10 . 5/28/2006
hmm, i really really like this story. that said, why is it that is so many stories, gays are always illustrated as seeing sex as a light thing, and very very easily doing it, and falling in love? i don't mean that your wrong, per se, its just that the overall image seems a bit off.. dunno.. awesome story, though, really!
Kaishiou chapter 21 . 3/7/2006
I meant (feel very uncomfortable) in my last review...sorry, should have re-check my comment before I submit...

and a manga of OTR sounds great! All the best to you if you ever do it...
Kaishiou chapter 20 . 3/7/2006
whoa, this is one interesting read, and a rather emotional ride. i like the way you wrote your ending, it was satisfying and touching. luckily, you didn't put Jay and Misha together in the end, because that would make me feel very comfortable, since I think Misha was being rather unrealistic and selfish to poor Tim who I dare assumed really loved him...In all, I enjoyed reading this much. 3& 1/2 stars out of 5.
icyaznangel chapter 21 . 1/29/2006
me! i wanna see the manga for OTM xD i loved this story *sniff* ahaha
Jesse Cottman chapter 21 . 9/18/2005
OMG! this story is so FUCKING awesome! sorry for the profanity but it had to be said... 3
gypsy madamme chapter 21 . 8/15/2005
u so need a definition of romance. really. this shud have been angst/humor, not romance/humor. and yea misha's a little slut. good thing i skipped most of the story. the story. really wasn't worth writing. this isn't a flame. i just thought u shud know the story isn't as great as u think it is.
nakoma chapter 20 . 8/11/2005
More! More! MORE! It would be soo cute if the got together and jay STILL was a homophoic bastard, like he could think about guy sex with Misha and no one else! (I know I'm a dweeb) Please write a sequel and (please don't hurt me) check your spelling *runs and hides behind a rock* wardrobe, shopping spree, and wood (the hard parts on trees you use when hitting people, chapter 7) I'm so sorry I'm ranting about spelling but I hate to see words spelled wrong. *hesitantly looks up from behind rock*

Oh, and I'm not sure if it was you who spelled beyond wrong or if it was in someone else's fiction, but it was be on (probablly due to some spell checking program) instead of beyond. Sorry if it wasn't you! *waves from behind rock*

Sorry I'm being such a word-nerd, and please write more! I really LOVE this story!
La18 chapter 21 . 7/24/2005
Make a sequel. You know you wanna. XD

Loved the story by the way.
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