Reviews for Over the Rainbow
Turtle Sensei chapter 9 . 12/31/2003
Rain: **hiding behind the curtains, snowball in hand** OOh Coyote! Still wanna play?
Coyote: **runs to her slow motion, banana in hand, grinning like a fool**
Rain: **grabs him, pushes him against the wall and kisses him forcefully, takiing the hand without the snowball, unbuttons his pants, grins into his mouth, and slps the snowball in his boxers**
Coyote: o_0 DO IT AGAIn!
Rain: **twitch** **twitch**
Seti: Dudeys! Coyote's a Masochist!
Styorm: Well...Rain-y's a SadoMasochist so it all fits neh?
Seti: Dudeys...I neva knew...Good story so far girly...Kirk must die...or suffer as Misha did...with Styorm-y-kun and I...
Styorm: Oh...Me likes dat Idea! ME LIKES! **nods his head enthusiasctically**
Rain: **doing "it" again for Coyote**
Coyote: **grinning like a fool**
Turtle Sensei chapter 6 . 12/31/2003
Rain: **hiding in the corner, mumbling about bananas, cream and horny bishy muses**
Coyote: **searching for Rain** Here Bunny Bunny!
Seti: erm...yeah we're doin this review for ya...
Styorm: Yep Yep! hey this part..."I yanked his hand away, screaming inane things as I throw books, papers, pencils and other little things into the air..chanting 'I'm going to fucking him'. I found it..." Ermm you said..."I'm going to fucking him."...that just sounds so wrong to our purely demented minds...
Seti: Whew...Oh yeah! Great story though, and if you ever need a Beta Reader...let us know! Rain hopes to become a book editor one of these's on her list **points to a list hung on the wall of Rain's bedroom, reaching from waist length to the floor**
Seti: ermm yeah...Ja Nae! **Little Rascal's wave**
Turtle Sensei chapter 5 . 12/31/2003
Rain: **drool**
Styorm: **drool**
Seti: **drool**
Coyote: **drooling and poking Rain with a banana**
Turtle Sensei chapter 4 . 12/31/2003
Rain: Ahh yesh...da powa of da Oreos! **starts singing the Oreo song** Oreo! Oreo!
Coyote: **pouting in the corner**
Seti: **walks in arm around Styorm, both singing about bananas and cream**
Styorm: **stops short, causing Seti to stumble, curse and slap him** Ow! **turns back to Coyote** What's wrong Big C?
Coyote: Rain won't play!
Seti and Styorm: **large grin** She's been "Naughty" eh?
Coyote: Yesh berry "Naughty"! I think we should spank her!
Seti: YEAH!
Styorm: I'll getthe bananas as cream!
Rain: 0_o...Meep...
Turtle Sensei chapter 3 . 12/30/2003
Rain: rule beyond comprehension!
Coyote: o.0 hey Rain-y...wanna go upstairs? -_
Rain: o_0 erm...Heh good good! gonna go read more before my shexy muse gets bad ideas...
Coyote: **stalking towards Rain with a Banana in his hand**
Rain: 0_o too late..._
Smile101 chapter 20 . 12/21/2003
Great story. Kinda sad that he didn't love him. Write a sequal.
Etheral suicide chapter 20 . 11/11/2003
dances in curicles, and sings "i wanna sequal..please.
Ahou-sama chapter 20 . 11/2/2003
That was beautiful! so emotional!

You make the characters seem so real. i can't wait for the seqwel. While I'm waiting I'll just have to read some of your other stories. _~
Switch chapter 6 . 10/26/2003
The story is really, really good. Sometimes the grammar is a little screwed up. You might want to find a beta. Also, chapters 4 & 5 are switched around out of order so its a little confusing. I do love the story very much, though! Misha is so cute! _
Germaine Amundsen chapter 20 . 10/17/2003
wha-wha-wha? Ok, sequel, definitely! OOh, I feel so sorry for Misha... and damn straight Jay! Grr-roar!
Allorian chapter 20 . 9/27/2003
Please do a sequal! That was too sad to stay by itself! I know Jay's being a jerk and Misha's all sad, but you should write a sequal and make Misha un-sad. Please?
OffigateStuppy chapter 20 . 9/11/2003
Nieni: *cries* I HATE SAD ENDINGS! SAD! *sniffles*... good ending... I hate you for the angst, but I love you for the story. *hugs* KIWI! -
DiamondKing chapter 19 . 9/7/2003
This is for chapter 20 also. I hate it when I forget to add things.

I also wanted to say that I don't think that Jay is exactly an $$, but he is quite the bone-head. Misha's song is a sad one. (Where did I get THAT from?). See ya later _~.

~Rainy Diamond12
DiamondKing chapter 20 . 9/7/2003
Hey! Sorry that I havn't reviewed in like forever. But I just wanted to say that, that was a great ending _. It was more original because Jay didn't fall in love with Misha like most people would expect. I really hope that you make a sequel _! If you do than e-mail me and tell me, k? Love ya!

~Rainy Diamond12
sidt4gurl chapter 20 . 9/7/2003
Jay is officially an ass in my book. but please do make a sequel.
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