Reviews for Obsidian Skies Roughdraft
Aran Tera chapter 2 . 6/20/2003
Interesting. Definately write more.
Mako chapter 2 . 6/20/2003
WOHOO! You heeded my plea! Another excellent chapter! I love the whole rebel army of demons who once served that evil emporor guy thingy...dohickey...o...k...anyway keep going!
Mako chapter 1 . 6/20/2003
DANG! THIS IS GOOD! You better keep it up or I'll come and strangle you...Just kidding! Please keep updating though.
electrox chapter 1 . 6/20/2003
hey tu historia está genial! por favor sigue escribiendo!
The Great One chapter 2 . 6/20/2003
Hey! Your friends Azarius refered me to you and I must say that this is bad! The good bad I mean. It is so cool. Like him, you use a lot of description to describe you settings. I like that! Being new to the site, his story was the first that I read, and yours was the second. Strange? But, both were good.
Raymond Lamar Gilstrap chapter 2 . 6/20/2003
Hey, dawg! It's me! You got ten . . . make that eleven reviews in one day! Damn, you trying to cath me that fast. Well, I got sixty now, so eat my dust . . . that was lame. But, anyway, you know this is tight. I said it before, and with work and thangs, try to hurry up and put more on there. It seems like you got your own fans, none of mine came to read yours. I don't think that people read the freakin author's note, but yeah, good luck, and keep reading Obsession.

Holla at your boy!

Azarius (the 1 n only)
Orion Alai chapter 2 . 6/20/2003
I like the descriptions you put in this chapter. You've officially hooked me. lol. I'll be back.

Keep it up. Until next time then.
Orion Alai chapter 1 . 6/19/2003
You gave me a review. Just returning the favor. Well done. I like the pace of this story, there are some people who write far too fast, and make it like a summary, and there are some who write too slow and go into far more detail then necessary.

You've got it just right I think. I like to review for every chapter because my thoughts tend to change over time, so don't be surprised to see six or seven from me in the future. lol.

Very nice. Love this.
Xiieriel chapter 2 . 6/19/2003
~Nice story. Nothing beats good ol' fashioned demons and warfare. Interesting language too.
Battlefield Angel chapter 2 . 6/19/2003
Not my usual fare, but turnabout is fair play. Good imagery, and an interesting plot, but don't let your language bog down the action too much.

dilutedfoolgirl chapter 1 . 6/19/2003
Wow! Your a good writer. If this is just the prologue, I can't wait to read the main story!
PsychoSideShow chapter 2 . 6/19/2003
Absolutley brilliant. Both chapters were just incredibly...brilliant! From what I see, you compete with event he likes of J.R. Tolkien. Easily the best writing i've ever read from a non-professional author. I can't wait for more. Incredible.

supergeko chapter 2 . 6/19/2003
Excellent imagery. I love how Andonicus and Gellidus summoned Ixion and Arhok. Keep those chapters comming!
Kraken chapter 1 . 6/19/2003
Holy crap! This is good! Please update a lot! (Falls on the floor in excitement)
Pile of Compost chapter 2 . 6/19/2003
Yo, dawg! This be tight! I already know what going to happen, but oh well, I'll still check it out. And you should know who this is, if you don't then, you can go to Hell! Ha!
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